His grandmother said that this kind of thing is difficult to make, the material is rare, and she only has a little bit. So even if it was his grandson, his grandmother only gave a little.

Thinking of this, Yu Fengbai looked at the big bag thrown out by Ye Huang, with a somewhat unpredictable expression on his face, a little doubting whether the grandmother was kissed.

"Can be used as a baby cotton towel!"

Ye Huang was busy cleaning up the baby, not paying attention to Yu Fengbai's expression, and took out another one to wipe the baby's mouth, "Unfortunately, there are still fewer diapers."

She only bought a dozen blankets in total, and she had plenty of equipment, but if this little baby urinates every once in a while, her blankets are definitely not enough!

Even if she cut all the protective clothing she prepared for this child, it would not be used a few times...

Ye Huang suddenly found out that it is no wonder that children are said to be gold-swallowing beasts. Raising a child feels more headache than bringing a soldier to a training camp.

Suddenly feel a little poor!

"I still have a few blankets here,"

Although Yu Fengbai doesn't understand what diapers are, he understands Ye Huang's concerns, "It can still be used for a while, little baby... Shouldn't he urinate less often?"

Ye Huang was speechless, she didn't understand this better than her!

There are so many babies. Such a small child only eats a little at a time. If it is the same as the babies in Z country, they drink milk almost once an hour, and it is basically a urination at such an interval, especially a newborn baby. Babies, it seems that the dirt that is in the fetus will also be discharged...

With so many blankets, it can't last a day at all!

As for whether to wash and reuse the dirty...

Ye Huang didn't even want to think about this operation. Besides, the energy here is rampant, and the earth attribute energy is super strong. If you wash it with water, the blanket will be invaded by the earth attribute energy as soon as it gets wet, and once the internal organization is destroyed, it will no longer be Slippery and soft, but stiff and difficult, it can't be used for wrapping babies.

"She's asleep,"

Ye Huang packed the baby and hugged the baby again and said, "It's better to fall asleep."

After speaking, I remembered something and couldn't help but say, "Have you noticed, this is a little girl!"

No little Haw, is a cute little girl.

Yu Fengbai didn't speak, just looked up at the sky above the canyon and gave a faint hum.

"What was it just now?"

Ye Huang also followed his line of sight and said, "There is a squeak, as if something scurried through the woods above."

Although the ruins of Andromeda are raging with energy, apart from the fact that there was no grass on the rocky beach before because of the underground evil spirit, the vegetation is also extremely lush.

It's just that the vegetation here is even more shocking than Lanmangxing.

There are towering trees, and the trunks of those big trees are very strange, just like the serious varicose veins on human legs, bulging out a line of earthy brown lines, at first glance, like a giant snake coiled on a big tree Same……

These bulging lines are not earthy, but strong metallic, and there is a layer of sticky orange-red juice on the surface.

In addition to the big trees, there are some exaggerated vegetation that looks like ferns. The colors of the leaves are also a bit varied, and the entire mountain range looks very colorful.

At the bottom is a thick lichen, and there are many like mushrooms, but those "mushrooms" will occasionally explode in the wind, bursting with smoke of various colors.

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