At this time, Wuming also analyzed the vegetation energy here.

"That smoke is poisonous,"

Ye Huang was a little stunned after reading Wuming's analysis, "And there's a lot of particulate matter, right?"

With the qualifications of her and Yu Fengbai, this poison can be completely overcome, but there is no need to fight hard. Fortunately, there are not many "mushrooms" in the canyon. Fog can be ignored temporarily.

"The sap on those tree trunks is very corrosive,"

Yu Fengbai said, "Our protective clothing will be affected."

Although the level of protective clothing is high, in the powerful energy field of the ruins of Andromeda, after being corroded, the defense of the protective clothing will inevitably be reduced.

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Huang looked at the stone path of Mount Ling next to him, "There are only some lichen-like things in the canyon here. I can feel that it should be non-toxic. Let's search this canyon first - the core of the Andromeda ruins is in where?"

"I don't know,"

Yu Fengbai said, "No one can determine the energy core, but if it refers to the regional core area, according to the data, it should be a ruined city."


Ye Huang said unexpectedly, "You said that there is a city on the ruins of Andromeda? A city built by humans?!"

She thought the ruins of Andromeda were a natural formation for a cultivator to suppress a special kind of evil spirit. Could it be that the cultivator also built a city?

"Is this weird?"

Yu Fengbai looked at Ye Huang and said, "The ruins of Andromeda are said to be an asteroid from the Andromeda galaxy, and it is also a small planet that interstellar humans tried to develop in the early days - but the development obviously failed, and then the second generation of interstellar energy exploded and reshaped it. When the asteroid disappeared, it disappeared."

After speaking, he looked up at the sky above the canyon again, "Later, in the records, after the phantom of the Andromeda ruins appeared, human beings also passed the three-dimensional map of the city ruins above and verified that it was an abandoned human on that asteroid. The residential gathering point - the earliest record that appeared, was also on the side of Andromeda, so it was called the Andromeda Ruins after that phantom."

Having said this, he added, "However, this is also a guess. Although there is research by experts, after all, there was a fault of civilization at the beginning, and there are still many different theories about the origin of this relic."

In short, the ruins of Andromeda, until today, no one in the interstellar space has been able to study and understand, and some data and data are not rigorous.

"No anomalies can be seen in the sky,"

Ye Huang listened and nodded, without further questioning, and then glanced at the sky above the canyon again, "Let's move on?"

Yu Fengbai has no objection. It is useless to stay here, and the ice ghost has disappeared. He must have a satisfactory exploration result in this Andromeda ruins.

As she walked, she was alert to the crisis around her, and then Ye Huang took the time to tell Yu Fengbai her speculation about the earth puppet and the five-colored flower.

"Five-colored flowers?"

Looking at Ye Huang, whose eyes were full of excitement and anticipation, Yu Fengbai's eyes flashed, "Where?"

Since Ye Huang wants it, he will do whatever it takes to get that thing for Ye Huang!

"I still do not know,"

Ye Huang hurriedly said, "The five elements of the Five Elements Universe Flower's energy is very balanced, so it will be very secretive. Without a close enough distance, I can't detect its existence."

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