Suo Huange was taken aback, what did Ye Huang think of? Have you figured out how to get that poisonous snake to rectify the Fa on the spot? !

Yu Fengbai was also startled.

He put his hand on the back of Ye Huang's neck, and the corner of his lips hooked: "Oh? Then tell me, what did you think of?"

Legalize this on the spot...

Ye Huang actually said that he thought of it!

What came to mind? Yu Fengbai doesn't believe that Ye Huang's cheeky bottom line can be refreshed again!

"A loop around your neck,"

Ye Huang said excitedly, "Let's fly, or run!"

Yu Fengbai: "..."

Suo Huange: "..."

Suo Huange was shocked and couldn't close his mouth. He felt that today was the first time he knew Ye Huang... I never thought that Ye Huang had such a strong taste!

Yu Fengbai clenched his fist secretly, controlled it hard, stabilized his breathing, and forcedly calmly said: "You just think so?!"

He can't wait to press this coquettish boy there and teach him a lesson, this boy is crazy beyond his imagination!

Suddenly I thought, if this kid is a woman...

Suddenly remembering the appearance of Ye Huang's women's clothes again, Yu Fengbai's breathing suddenly became a little heavier, while Ye Huang was shackled in his arms, he forcibly changed his sitting position calmly...

I just feel that everyone in my arms is hot!

"I'm such a genius!"

Ye Huang was still in Yu Fengbai's arms at this time, just thinking of his own method, he was excited to get out of his wife's arms and was eager to try.

But she didn't expect Yu Fengbai to wrap her arms tightly, and she didn't break free for a while.

"Wife, let me go first,"

Ye Huang quickly patted his wife's arm and said, "Let me try it first!"


The fire pterosaur cub lying on the ground flapped its wings again, and the wings suddenly opened wider and grew a little longer.

As a high-level star beast, Firepterosaur's growth and regeneration ability is really not a blow!

At this speed, it won't take long for the fire pterosaur cub to grow into a tiger or a lion as big as a lion!

Moreover, the genetic attribute of this fire pterosaur has mutated, and it belongs to the wind and thunder attribute derived from the fire attribute... What a labor force to pull a cart!

You can come to a super-pulling dragon cart!

With labor, now it's time to toss out a car!

Ye Huang wondered if the ghost girl could transform...because the transformation of the mecha is not the change of the monster in the novel, but based on various precise data, with the mecha system and the space energy in the mecha memory metal and many more……

A kind of transformation under various complex manipulation changes, the transformation is not arbitrary, generally there are only several variants of the set energy level.

But even if Gui Niu doesn't have this kind of transformation setting, she still has the confidence to use the existing materials, as well as some energy materials in the Heavenly Fire Wilderness...

Create a simple "carriage"!

"No need!"

When Yu Fengbai heard that Ye Huang was about to start trying, he immediately retracted his arms and firmly controlled Ye Huang in his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't go crazy!"

Ye Huang actually wanted to try it!

Yu Fengbai had to admit that in terms of shamelessness, he really wanted to be defeated in front of Ye Huang!

The thought that Ye Huang might be a woman was shaky for a moment... Is there really such a woman? !

"Ye Huang..."

Suo Huange said with a bit of difficulty, "You really don't have to try it now... It's not very convenient here, right?"

And he's in front of him!

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