The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 925: Have you ever ridden a carriage?

Do you really want to do this in front of his two wives?

Besides, Ye Huang was willing to do such a thing for Yu Fengbai... Suo Huange was a little mad at the bottom of his heart. He is also a person who has traveled all over the interstellar space for several human-inhabited stars, and he asked himself that he couldn't do such a thing.

At this point, he rarely stood on the same line with Yu Fengbai.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ye Huang hurriedly said, "Do we really have to rely on two legs to get out of the Skyfire Wilderness? How many times can our energy hold up this kind of energy cover? The energy storms of the Skyfire Wasteland are wave after wave, even if there is no energy storm, Radiation from the Skyfire Wasteland...Are you sure we have enough time to get out alive?!"

It is no longer possible to communicate with the main network normally, and even if there is a light brain, it is almost a stand-alone mode...

No one to rescue, such a long distance, no transportation to wait to die? !

"What's the meaning?"

As soon as Ye Huang finished saying this, Yu Fengbai and Suo Huange were both stunned, and then the two asked almost in unison.

"Are you two stupid?"

Ye Huang didn't understand why the two of them didn't understand what she was talking about, "I have a way to let us rush out of this wasteland!"

Yu Fengbai and Suo Huange looked at each other suspiciously, and when they turned to Ye Huang at the same time, their eyes were full of astonishment.

"Let go of my wife first!"

Ye Huang struggled hard and finally got out of Yu Fengbai's arms.

"Little one, come here!"

Ye Huang threw a piece of jerky to the fire pterosaur cub.


The fire pterosaur cub swallowed it in one mouthful, but it wasn't enough. It grew a little bit. At this time, it woke up from a deep sleep and was panicking with hunger.

If it weren't for this kind of jerky to eat, it could not help but want to attack these humans...

Ye Huang reached out and touched its head again. This time, she concentrated and forcibly injected more spiritual energy into it, and gave almost everything she absorbed to this little thing.


This time, the fire pterosaur cub felt clearly more clearly than last time. It showed a very happy look in its small eyes, and subconsciously arched the palm of Ye Huang's hand, looking very intimate.


Ye Huang retracted his hand, slowly issued an order and made a gesture, "Get down!"

The fire pterosaur cub stared at Ye Huang suspiciously.

Ye Huang made this gesture again, holding a piece of jerky in his hand and shaking it.

The fire pterosaur cub ignorantly tried to lie down on the ground, and immediately got the reward of this piece of jerky from Ye Huang, and immediately a pair of small eyes lit up.

"How do you say half of it?"

Suo Huange was suffocated, "If you haven't finished speaking just now, hurry up and continue!"

"That's it,"

Ye Huang tame the fire pterosaur cub while feeding, raised her eyebrows and said, "Have you ever been in a carriage?"


Suo Huange was puzzled, "What kind of car is that?"

"Tsk," Ye Huang curled his lips in disgust, "I'm ignorant, the means of transportation in the early days of the mother planet, the horse-drawn cart!"

"You mean horses?" Suo Huange paused and said, "Do you mean a star beast similar to a blue-maned horse?"

"Are you going to pull the cart with this cub?"

On the other hand, Yu Fengbai's eyes flashed, and he looked at Ye Huang and said, "Using a star beast to pull a cart? Is it the style of an early vehicle with wheels?"

Not to mention ordinary airships in the interstellar space, that is, every vehicle that lives in the Star City is a suspension vehicle with various powers. Vehicles with wheels are extremely rare. Only some vehicles with special needs may have a certain number of wheels.

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