Ye Huang said that the car that the fire pterosaur cub pulled was definitely not a hover car... After all, in this wild fire area, they couldn't integrate the resources they had on hand to create a hover car.

And even if there is a hover car, it will be affected by various factors such as radiation and storms in the wasteland, and it will definitely not suspend stably.

"Yes, the simpler, the less affected by the radiation energy,"

Ye Huang was in high spirits, lowered his head and simply drew a simple vehicle style, "Let's use the fastest speed to get the whole car out - leave it to the two of you, and I'll take care of this cub!"

Clear division of labor!

"Nice primitive method,"

Suo Huange was surprised, and became excited as he spoke, "Then give it a try? How do you pull the star beast?"

He has never been in a car like this before, it sounds a bit exciting!

"As I said, put a loop around its neck and run with the car,"

Ye Huang snapped his fingers and said, "I think it can be done!"

Yu Fengbai: "..."

Suo Huange: "..."

It turns out that Ye Huang said this!

Thinking of this, he subconsciously swept towards Yu Fengbai, feeling that Yu Fengbai must be very embarrassed.

Who knew that Yu Fengbai said calmly: "Well, I understand what you mean!"

Suo Huange: "..."

"Hurry up, act!" Ye Huang instructed the two of them to move faster. Seeing that the fluctuations of the Gui Niu energy mask were getting weaker and weaker, it was obvious that the energy of the Gui Niu energy box, even with her rune blessing, would not be enough. Sometimes I can't help it.

As expected of the super-high qualifications, Yu Fengbai and Suo Huange both have a lot of goods, and they took out some equipment from the storage space.

Immediately afterwards, the three rushed to the bottom of a slope, which was relatively sheltered from the wind, and the energy storm was slightly weaker. Temporarily took away the crumbling energy hood, and got some interstellar Kushiro trees against the storm.

This kind of Ct. chinensis is a kind of interstellar plant that is very common in the fire attribute wasteland. It is not tall, but it is very thick. In Ye Huang's view, it is very similar to that kind of mallet tree, but it is not hollow, on the contrary, the texture is dense. , extremely tough, and the fire attribute is more obvious.


Ye Huang looked at the huge thorny fruits hanging on the canopy and reminded, "Don't fall and hit you!"

Yu Fengbai didn't speak, and took out something directly. After a dazzling white light flashed, the whole tree was snapped and fell down. You don't even need to get close, let alone get hit by the fruit.

Ye Huang held the fire pterosaur cub and gave him a thumbs up and shook it.

"Clap clap - clap!"

At the same time, countless fruits on the tree fell to the ground and cracked, revealing the fruits inside.

A burst of energy storm was wrapped around it, and a little special fragrance was diffused.

"Etc., etc!"

Ye Huang's eyes lit up, and he rushed over holding the fire pterosaur cub and said, "I'll take a look at me!"

When she found some fruits under the messy dust and sand wrapped in the storm, she couldn't help cheering with joy.

"Chestnuts, chestnuts!"

Ye Huang was extremely excited, "Such a big chestnut, a chestnut is bigger than a big apple - wow, what a chestnut!"

The fruit on this tree is actually similar to the chestnuts on the earth. This discovery made Ye Huang ecstatic.

Sure enough, there are treasures everywhere!

Chestnuts are flat and sweet. In addition to the similar taste to chestnuts, this fruit has stronger energy.

At that time, it can be used as her medicated dietary material, which is excellent for nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the tendons, and promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding.

When chestnut was in country Z, she was called a "kidney-invigorating fruit", and when she came to Interstellar, she would take this effect to a higher level!

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