Ye Huang's thoughts turned sharply, and an idea quickly came into his mind.

"Can I eat it? Is this edible?"

Suo Huange was thinking about eating, and asked again and again in a hurry.


Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, "Let's work!"

Suo Huange was very excited and started to get busy again.

Watching Ye Huang and Suo Huange's every move, Commander Yan and his subordinates looked at each other... Do you want to eat this kind of garbage?

If it weren't for this star beast, which is not even a level, it would not cause too much erosion to the base, and they would have sent someone to clean it up.

How can the things that need to be cleaned every day become treasures in the eyes of this consultant Ye and this beauty?

"Why does it smell so bad here!"

After working excitedly for a while, Suo Huange couldn't hold back anymore, and jumped and ran over and said, "No, no, no, it's smoked to death!"

"and many more,"

Ye Huang also felt this strange odor, and when his heart moved, he turned around and walked in one direction along the reef group, "I'll go take a look!"

The Fire Winged Dragon fluttered its wings and followed behind Ye Huang. After a while, it couldn't bear the smell and turned around and flew back, landing next to Commander Yan and the others. Aojiao gave them a "sigh".

Commander Yan and the others were instantly flattered, fearful and excited.


Here, Ye Huang finally discovered the source of the strange smell after walking a long way. Looking at this large black area, he was extremely excited.

Interstellar also has something similar to ambergris!

Thinking of those chemical perfume smells in Interstellar, Ye Huang couldn't help whistling, and there was another way to make a fortune!

Fragrance, she can do it too!

Xuanmen Xiangdao is mysterious and unpredictable, but if you truly understand the true meaning of the five elements, you will know that the Dao is one, but one life is two, two begets three...

All kinds of changes are in the mind.

But looking at this dirty and smelly ambergris, Ye Huang waved and called Suo Huange, but this time, Suo Huange refused to come...

It really stinks, it's not a serious smell, it smells weird, it's weird!

"Ye Huang?"

At this moment, Si Yunting and Qi Han arrived at this coast, and when they saw the huge long-legged ice crabs and a pair of small hills that looked like wood, they were shocked at first, and then they saw Ye Huang over there. called out, "What are you doing?"

"Come here you two!"

Ye Huang said quickly, "Come on, do me a favor!"

Si Yunting and Qi Han held their breaths and came to this side. After all, Ye Huang was their boss, so it was necessary to help.

"Quick, pry me off this black thing,"

Ye Huang commanded, "Then put it in your storage space and bring it home for me!"

Si Yunting and Qi Han: "..."


"Why don't you pretend..." Si Yunting paused and protested a little.

"My space is too small, there is no place,"

Ye Huang urged, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

There are places where she doesn't want to pretend, after all, this thing really stinks...cough!

"I'm going, do you really want to pretend?"

Si Yunting sniffed the smoked smell on his body with disgust on his face, and complained, "Even a bottle of the old lady's perfume of the Yu family can't cover it!"

"The old lady of the Yu family?"

Ye Huang asked curiously, "Which Yu family?"

Si Yunting was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "No, no, Ye Huang—you don't even know our brother Yu's family background, do you?!"

Ye Huang's heart skipped a beat: "Is it really my wife's house?"

"Tsk, don't talk nonsense just relying on Brother Yu to spoil you all day long,"

Si Yunting couldn't help but said, "You dare to try to call Brother Yu and his wife in front of the Yu family!"

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