The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 956: You'll know when you meet

"Who is the old lady of the Yu family?"

Ye Huang was curious, "Fuck Lao Yu?"

"It's his grandmother," said Si Yunting, "but you can't find out anything about the Yu family's family background. The Yu family is different from our families... Apart from Brother Yu, the only thing that is known to the outside world is the Yu family. Old lady, she is a famous tea artist and perfumer in the Federal Galaxy!"

Saying that, he persuaded with kindness, "Ye Huang, it's not me who told you, since you have a good relationship with Brother Yu, you should treat Brother Yu more, right? Don't say I didn't remind you - Mrs. Yu, Don't mess with her!"

"She's great?"

Ye Huang said nonchalantly, "Do you think I will lose in the duel with her?"

"Showdown what showdown,"

Si Yunting said speechlessly, "That's Brother Yu's grandmother, do you still want to fight someone?! Besides, this old lady has high mental strength, but not too strong physique."

"Then what's so scary about me?"

Ye Huang was puzzled.

"I don't even know how to describe it,"

Si Yunting said, "Anyway, I'm afraid when I see it - I'll know when you see it later!"

Ye Huang snorted lightly, but thought of another thing in his heart.

She still remembered the brachio-footed old man she met in the restricted area of ​​the Mecha Academy, remembering the sweetheart that the old man had a crush on...

Did you just marry into the Yu family?

He also said that his sweetheart likes to drink tea... Could it be the grandmother of Yu Fengbai? !

Ye Huang silently gossips in her heart, her eyes flashing.

Seeing Ye Huang's silence, Si Yunting thought that Ye Huang was intimidated, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic... After all, the Yu family probably didn't have a good one!

Moreover, did the Yu family know about Yu Fengbai and Ye Huang? !

If you know, with Madam Yu's temperament, you know that Yu Fengbai has found a man... the consequences are unimaginable!

Si Yunting thought about it, and he couldn't help chilling down his spine. He quickly forced himself to withdraw this terrifying thought and returned to his eyes.

"You wait!"

Looking at the stinky thing that Ye Huang had designated to take away, Si Yunting said again, "I'll ask someone to pry it off for you, and ask the people at the base to find some energy boxes to pack it!"

He has learned to be good, and he didn't ask Ye Huang why he made such a smelly thing... Anyway, Ye Huang always likes to collect waste!

Soon, Si Yunting called the logistics staff of the base. Everyone wore masks and finally divided the huge black thing weighing several hundred kilograms into several energy boxes.

After installation, several energy boxes were placed directly into the cargo compartment of the airship.

Ye Huang was very satisfied with Si Yunting's efficiency.

As soon as this large black thing was taken away, the air near the sea area seemed to be much better all at once.

Commander Yan and the others were very moved. Isn't this consultant Ye really sent by the superior to help them deal with the garbage? !

"All right,"

Ye Huang satisfied and clapped his hands, "Get ready for a barbecue! According to this picture, go get some barbecue grills like this!"

Si Yunting didn't say a word, he let his men do it, even Commander Yan and the others couldn't get involved.

"You want to eat these?"

Qi Han, who had never spoken, looked at the long-legged ice crabs all over the floor, and at the messy "dirty" things that were made from the piles of rocks. He couldn't imagine that Ye Huang wanted to eat this kind of thing.

He has eaten Ye's jerky and hot pot, and it's really delicious...

But it is a very decent star beast meat anyway!

This kind of messy stuff... can you eat it too? !

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