Shui Si also nodded, and several others also nodded, that's true!


At this moment, a chubby thing ran over, looking at it from a distance, it didn't seem to be running, it looked like a ball of orange fur was rolling.


Mo Ling's eyes are fast, and when this little thing ran over, he grabbed it and looked at it, wondering, "How can you eat so fat!"

"Little Eight!"

When Anan saw it, he ran over and said, "This is our little eight, put it down, it's not happy anymore!"

Xiao Ba blew a bunch of bubbles at Mo Ling, and his eyes were cute.

Mo Ling: "..."

Anan grabbed it and hugged him in his arms, rubbed Xiaoba's head and said, "Where is our little eight fat? We're not fat at all, we can feel the bones..."

I can feel a little bone on my head...cough!

Saying that, seeing that the silver bug on the top of Xiaoba's head was gone, he hurriedly said, "Xiaoba, are you looking for the little bug? Where did it go?"

Xiaoba bowed in Anan's arms in aggrieved, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he was also very sad~

The other team members looked at this fat and cute little pet and heard Anan call it Little Eight...

If they really took Consul Ye as the boss, would they be on the same level as this little thing? !

Never compromise!

This consultant Ye has a small stature, and is very good at doing theory, clerical work, and food, but his combat power is estimated to be the same as this fat thing...

It follows the owner's type!

"Our base has raised a middle-level star beast, and it is the first-class combat power among the middle-level star beasts-"

A member of the team member codenamed Jin San said, "That's powerful. With a cry, most people will feel weak when they hear it! That's the kind of cry—"


He hadn't finished speaking, as if it was a situation, a beast roar suddenly came from not far away.


As expected of the battle-hardened veterans, these team members all stood up from their chairs in an instant, and they were fully alerted and had already held the energy weapons taken out from their storage space...

This beast roar is not a good thing to hear, I am afraid it is above the middle-level star beast.


Just here, again.

At the same time, a huge behemoth had turned from the corner of the vegetable garden and walked slowly towards this side.

Even if it walks extremely slowly, it cannot ignore its powerful energy suppressing force.

"Ice Flame Lion!"

Shui Si exclaimed, "Iceflame lion, it's Iceflame lion!"

To deal with this kind of star beast, ordinary energy weapons in their hands are useless!

How can there be such a level of star beast here? !


Before the players could recover from their shock, another special beep came.

The experienced team members immediately knew what the sound was, and hurriedly shouted: "The alien green queen bee, the alien green queen—"

Before he could finish his sentence, another green cloud flew over there. The bee colony formed by countless huge alien green queen bees pressed down like a cloud layer. The energy fluctuations on the green queen bee shook the leaves here. The rust fell.

The members of the special team rarely lost their composure!

They wouldn't be surprised if they encountered this kind of star beast in a high-level wasteland, but this is just a wilderness, and it's far from a first-level wasteland...

In this kind of place, there are high-level star beasts, not one of them!

So everyone has a kind of sleepwalking state... everything is so unrealistic!

But it wasn't over yet, and with another "Ow-Ow--" a Fire Wing dragon flew over with its wings puffed up, and it brought a rush of wind and thunder...

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