The hair of the members of the electric team stood on end!

They were really stunned this time...

Fire pterosaur!

Nine Star Fire Pterodactyl!

God...what the **** is this place? !


At this time, after the fire-winged dragon rushed down, it provoked the ice-flame lion and the alien green king bee swarm for a while.

And the ice-flame lions and bee colonies opposite it are also tensing their swords!

Ye Huang couldn't help holding his forehead.

These guys must be dating again!

She doesn't know what kind of communication method there is between high-level star beasts... but she can perceive that they are dating!

They are not here for the members of these special teams. In the eyes of these high-level star beasts, the most important thing right now is to rely on strength to win the control of this site!

"it's okay no problem--"

Seeing that the team members took out higher-end energy weapons, Ye Huang suddenly said with a headache, "Don't worry, everyone, I raised them—"

Saying that, he took a few steps over there and shouted, "Be honest!"


Firewing dragon is still a baby after all, and its IQ is not low. As soon as its owner came over, it ran to Ye Huang first, and arched its head into Ye Huang's arms...

It's all their fault, and this baby is right!


The ice flame lion roared seriously, looking at the fire pterosaur a little annoyed.

Obviously it came to the master earlier than this guy, why is this foreign guy so unreasonable!

The alien green queen bee hovered beside Ye Huang, buzzing around Ye Huang, flying up and down, obviously dissatisfied with the cuteness of this fire-winged dragon!


Xiao Ba ran over, and it curiously blew a bunch of bubbles at the fire pterosaur, feeling the attribute energy of the fire pterosaur, and Xiao Ba was a little bit affectionate to the fire pterosaur...

The wind and thunder attribute is also a derivative of the fire attribute!

It is different from the ice flame lion and the alien green queen bee, and it has no intention of competing for territory.

"No fighting!"

Ye Huang warned these restless guys, "Otherwise, I won't give you delicious food, and I won't touch you!"

The last one was her trump card, and sure enough, when the Bingyan Linshi heard it, he immediately roared, then turned around very seriously and started walking back...

Among these guys, it is actually the most principled!

The alien green queen bee also flew back to the hive immediately. They were already very busy, busy making honey every day, busy expanding their own group...

Right now, the alien green queen bee colony in the Ye family's old house has expanded several times compared to the earliest.

The Firewing Dragon refused to leave Ye Huang, and his small eyes stared eagerly.

"Have fun with Xiaoba,"

Ye Huang pointed at Xiao Ba and said to Huoyilong, "Don't fight with Xiao Ba!"

The fire wing dragon looked back at Xiao Ba, and stretched out its claws to poke Xiao Ba, and Xiao Ba immediately rolled to the side like a ball...

Ye Huang twitched the corners of his mouth.

She has never been able to figure out what kind of star beast Xiaoba is. Other star beasts are good at the wind. Looking at the fire pterosaur cub, not to mention the wingspan, just looking at the body, it is almost catching up with a big tiger... …

But Xiao Ba, still like a fat cat, grows more and more slowly!

"Consultant Ye?"

The players over there are already stupid!

These star beasts are actually raised by Consul Ye? !

How could such a star beast of the same order become a pet casually? !

But the facts are in front of you, watching the Fire Winged Dragon act coquettishly and cutely in front of Ye Huang, watching the Frozen Lion and the Alien King Bee circling around Ye Huang...

Immediately there is a strong sense of fantasy!

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