The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 982: What's more, you don't know

At this time, Xiao Ba stretched out his claws and touched the claws of the Fire Pterosaur.

The Fire Wing dragon looked at Xiao Ba in confusion, there was a hint of confusion in its small eyes, it didn't quite know the rank of this fat guy, neither could he feel being suppressed, nor could he feel that he was in front of this fat guy. Energy advantage...

This made it very suspicious.

However, from Xiao Ba's eyes, it could feel no hostility. Hearing Ye Huang's order, it hesitated for a while, picked up Xiao Ba and threw it on his back.

Then he puffed up his wings and flew up, and after circling over the Ye family's old house, he turned around and flew down to the vegetable garden.

There is a fruit with a strong fire attribute over there, which it likes a little bit.

Xiao Ba excitedly blew a long string of bubbles on the back of the fire pterosaur: Fly up acridine!

Unexpectedly, it was only excited for a while, a silver light flashed in front of its eyes, and before it could react, it fell into a familiar space...

Feeling the familiar breath, Xiao Ba was very excited, and the insects came back acridine~

Ye Huang keenly captured Wuming's appearance, her eyesight was excellent, and at that moment, she was sure that Wuming took Xiaoba away.

But she doesn't care, Wuming and Xiaoba have a very good relationship, Xiaoba follows Wuming, and there is no situation of being bullied, which reassures her more than following the cub of the Fire Wyvern.

"All right,"

Ye Huang then turned back and walked towards the team members who were obviously still stunned, and clapped his hands, "I'm sorry, did you disturb everyone?"

"Consultant Ye,"

Huo Yi recovered from the shock, "They...are all your pets?"


Ye Huang said, "No way! But don't worry, they won't just go to the training camp to make trouble!"

But these guys are just like children, and maybe they sometimes get into trouble...

But so what, it's all hers, just like her wife, even if you get into trouble, you have to be spoiled, otherwise you can leave!

Fire One: "..."

No, the point is not whether these star beasts will cause trouble!

"Consultant Ye, how did you do it?"

Shui Si wondered, "How to tame this high-level star beast?"

Especially the Fire Wyvern, the Nine Star Fire Wyvern, seems to have never heard of it in interstellar history, who can raise the Nine Star Fire Wyvern...

Even the cubs have never heard of it!

"Personality to conquer!"

Ye Huang said solemnly, "It depends on fate!"

These are really not what she deliberately subdued!

Of course, the aura... Now these people haven't even heard of what Xuanmen is, so she will temporarily dispense with this explanation, otherwise it will be a waste of time!

Huo Yi and others: "..."

"I just said that Instructor Ye is amazing!"

Mo Ling said sincerely, "But I didn't expect it to be so powerful..."

He thought that he knew Ye Huang's strength very well, but who would have thought that his knowledge had been refreshed! In addition to the mecha formation, fighting, mecha maintenance and food...

It even has the ability to tame high-level star beasts!

Ye Huang waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's alright, this is so powerful—"

"Consultant Ye is humble—" Huo Yi quickly interjected sincerely.

"You don't know what's even more powerful!"

But before he could finish speaking, he heard Ye Huang lift his chin and say this.

Everyone: "..."

Consultant Ye is really not humble!

After Ye Huang took everyone back to the training camp, they first went to a big room.

This room is very large, and there are twenty-five beds in it!

"Consultant Ye?"

Mo Ling looked at this room, a little surprised, "We all live in this room?"

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