In fact, it doesn't matter if you live together. Everyone came from the grassroots. Who hasn't exercised at the grassroots? !

But at their status, they all have private rooms.

The most important thing in Interstellar is land, and the speed of construction is amazing. Not to mention their level, they are ordinary mecha warriors, as long as they are not in the wartime state and the grassroots training stage...

It's all one room!

This training camp occupies a large area, let alone one person living in one room, even if one person has one building, it is not enough...

Why did this consultant Ye ask them to live in one room? !

And this room looks a little weird, there are many complicated patterns carved on the walls, it's a mess, I don't know what it is...

How can the mecha warrior's room be so doodled!

"This is specially prepared for you,"

Ye Huang explained, "It's good for you to live here - of course, if any of you don't accept it, I won't force it!"

Said and pointed in one direction, "There are multiple suites in Building 3 over there. If you don't want to live here, you can choose over there!"

She didn't need to order at this time, and gave these newcomers the right to choose.

Her training method is completely different from the traditional training methods of these people. If these people have always resisted in their hearts, they will not be able to calm down and ponder the theories she teaches...

Xuanmen, in addition to comprehension, there is another necessary condition, that is, state of mind!

These twenty-five people, she intends to give them a selection process. After a month, if she finds that there are really unacceptable...

Then she politely persuaded her to quit!

She, Ye Huang, doesn't bring soldiers who follow yang and yin!

Listening to Ye Huang's words, the team members' expressions softened a little, but the doubts in their eyes became stronger: Is it good for them?

What are the benefits of living in one room?

The house is not a nutritional supplement!

After Ye Huang left, the members of the special team who had just arrived, after washing and grooming, all gathered in this big room, and each opened their chat box.

Indeed, a lot of knowledge has been refreshed this day, and there are all kinds of speculations about this consultant Ye and this training mission.

"This consultant Ye is not easy,"

Looking at the thin Jin Yi, he gave a straightforward evaluation, "I've never seen someone like him before!"

The other players nodded, no doubt about that.

"Then are we really called the boss?"

The question is thrown again.

"Do not!"

Huo Yi's attitude is still very insistent, "Consultant Ye is not easy, but we are mecha warriors - theoretical civil service, food and animal taming ability are not the ultimate goal we pursue!"

Human life is limited, and limited energy should naturally be placed on the ultimate pursuit.

Blindly study too much, but will interfere and waste your energy!

At this point, he never compromised, and he was as persistent as ever!

The boss he swears to follow must be a mecha hero who will convince him!

"I think Huo Yi is right,"

Shui Si nodded and said, "But I am really interested in this consultant Ye's ability!"

Some other players also agreed.

Wouldn't it be okay to call Consultant Ye? You don't have to be called the boss, do you? !

After everyone talked about it, suddenly one person said: "Does any of you live there tonight? Or do you all live here?"

"Let's stay here for one night first,"

Mo Ling, who had not spoken much, suddenly said, "I want to live here anyway, you can do whatever you want!"

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