But when Ye Huang said a little, everyone fainted again.

Ye Huang was too lazy to talk about the formation. She first called up the video of her participating in the mecha competition from the Mecha Academy, so that these players could have a more intuitive understanding...

As a result, all the team members were shocked.

In fact, it wasn't the first time Mo Ling felt it. He knew it when he played last time, but it didn't make him feel much calmer.

Ye Huang started with the simplest formation, combined with the five elements, that is, attribute energy, and the mystery of Yi Xue contained in the formation, and analyzed it bit by bit.

All the team members felt their hearts jumping like a roller coaster!

I was surprised at the power of this formation for a while, and then collapsed for a while, and I still can't understand the mystery... It is extremely sour!

"Consultant Ye?"

Huo Yi was a lot more careful when he spoke in front of Ye Huang, and he was a lot more nervous. He was as obedient as a primary school student in front of a teacher, "Just this formation, can we practice it?"


Ye Huang said, "You first choose four people with different attributes and energies, and then I will accompany you for a walk!"

Hand-in-hand teaching, she also worked hard!

"Consultant Ye, what is your attribute energy?"

Huo Yi asked carefully, praying all the time in his heart, hoping that Ye Huang would not be a fire attribute, because if consultant Ye himself was a fire attribute, he would definitely not choose a fire attribute team member in this first exercise!

"I'm whatever, don't worry about me—"

Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, "I'm just a brick, where do I need to move it!"

E-level qualification, there is no attribute energy anymore...

She can perceive the use of spiritual energy, realize the true meaning of the five attributes, no matter what attribute energy it is!

Everyone: "..."

Does this work?

No one dared to ask more, Huo Yi immediately picked three people, brought himself, and Ye Huang together to make up five people.

"Lend me a mecha,"

Ye Huang said lightly, "You Su Shuai are really careless, other equipment arrived first, and the mecha that promised me hasn't arrived yet!"

However, what Su Entropy promised was biological mecha...

It is estimated that it will not be able to produce in a while.

And even if the biological mecha arrives, she is actually useless. In this wilderness area, the biological mecha is too powerful to perform in full form.

General energy mechas don't matter, as long as the high-end weapons on the mecha are not used, normal drills are completely fine.

Without saying a word, one of the team members directly gave Ye Huang the mecha equipped with him, and gave the command password of his mecha.

This time, when they were assigned to a special team, they were not allowed to carry their own high-level energy mechas, but the mecha system was unified to the mid-level energy mechas they were equipped with.

They didn't guess the purpose of the above, but it was just training. For them, the intermediate mecha just continued to practice the control speed.

Looking at the mecha that popped out the empty chain, Ye Huang's eyes lit up, and it seemed that she was indeed much prettier than her hero.


After Ye Huang jumped into the cockpit of the mecha, he smiled through the communication channel, "Wait a minute, I'll give it a try!"

"Consultant Ye really knows how to control mechas,"

A team member without a mecha whispered, "I don't know what the level is."

"Should be fine,"

Another team member was very experienced, "It should be no worse than us!"

Looking at Ye Huang's appearance on the mecha, he felt very cool for some reason, and he had no doubt that Ye Huang's level of controlling the mecha would not be as good as theirs.

This time, it should not be slapped in the face!

Everyone nodded silently.

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