They will never underestimate Consultant Ye, and they will never give Consultant Ye a chance to slap his face!


As the mecha started, everyone felt a visual impact in an instant.

Under the control of Ye Huang, this mecha has reached the level of man-machine integration!

how to say? !

That is, the control of energy mecha requires the integration of brain speed, hand speed, and reaction. People with high physique and high mental strength will greatly reduce this reaction speed when controlling mecha.

Under the control of this kind of powerhouse, the mecha has a first-class response, and fights wherever you want!

Otherwise, the same mecha is handed over to an untrained and poorly qualified person to control, and the mecha's action response will be like slow motion...

totally different!

But at this time, the mecha under the control of Ye Huang did not seem to have any reaction time, and the whole mecha seemed to be Ye Huang himself...

He even played a set of Ye Huang's flowing fists.

The mecha seems to be alive...

Everyone present came up with this idea in their minds!

The integration of man and machine, which is a theoretical possibility, suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and these poor players forgot to respond for a while.

all stayed!




The moment Ye Huang stopped, everyone reacted from the shock, and immediately rushed over screaming.


Huo Yi was the fastest, rushing to the front, "Boss, boss—"

The other team members felt that Huo Yi was a little shameless. In order to suppress Huo Yi, everyone shouted louder than Huo Yi: "Boss, boss, boss!"

What face do you need, anyway, the face has been beaten by the boss!

Ye Huang: "..."

What are these people crazy about!

"What's going on?"

Ye Huang didn't get off the mecha, "The four, get on the mecha, let's start the formation training!"

"Boss, we recognize you as the boss—"

Huo Yi felt that his words were a bit naive, but apart from these words, he couldn't think of anything else!

"if not?"

Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, "I'm just politely giving you the freedom to choose what you want to call me—but, do you really think you have a choice?!"

In her heart, she is the boss of these people!

To be their boss is to look up to them!

The players: "...Oh!"

"Okay, don't get windy,"

Ye Huang issued an order through the communication group, "All teammates, line up in one formation!"

The five mechas formed an array immediately.

During the formation changes, the energy fluctuations of wind and thunder are unpredictable and mysterious.

These elite players immediately felt the power of this formation, and they breathed heavily with excitement.

After a drill was over, the four players who participated in the drill didn't even want to come down with their mechas.

"Okay, let's practice,"

Ye Huang jumped off the mecha and returned the mecha to the team member, "This formation is the most basic formation. Once you have practiced it, it is possible to learn by analogy. Let's practice in groups - I have something to do first!"


When they heard that she was leaving, the team members were reluctant and wanted to stick to the boss, "When are you coming back?"

Don't you have to watch them train? !

"I'll come when I'm free,"

Ye Huang said, "I'm busy!"

so busy!

As if to match her words, her communication bell rang.

Ye Huang waved to everyone, and under everyone's eager eyes, he turned around and walked out of the training ground.

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