The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1000 Closed

"Well, well, I understand." Sweetheart nodded to show that she understood, and let the store manager go to work.

Because of the blessing of Jiang Xiaofei and her own advantages, Youranju sold very quickly, and quickly completed the amount of preparation for the day. It was just noon at this time.

Reporters and various media people are also living leisurely, preparing to get first-hand news, but they have been greeted by TX in advance. It can't be too much. Don't bother her on purpose.

Jiang Xiaofei is also very generous, as long as the question is not excessive, she will answer.

After closing, the customers who came to Jiang Xiaofei were unwilling to leave, and they all sat on their seats and dawdled.

"Sir, ma'am, our side is closed. After the meal, everyone here can leave."

With a decent smile on her face, Su Xuanxuan stood in the middle of the table and said loudly.

After a moment of silence, everyone present looked at each other, then put their heads aside in tacit understanding, and continued to talk, ignoring Su Xuanxuan's words.

Su Xuanxuan: "..." Can't understand human language?

I have to tell the old lady to simply say: Get out?

It's a pity that Su Xuanxuan couldn't say anything in the face of this group of gods who gave money.

If you want to stay, just stay and see who can consume the energy. Su Xuanxuan walks to the counter and sits down with peace of mind.

"Hello, may I ask if there are still dishes I can order?" Su Xuanxuan was enveloped by a tall figure.

Looking up, a very mature man, with a sense of gentle scum, is very temperamental.

"No... I'm sorry, it's sold out. If you need it, please come back tomorrow." Su Xuanxuan was confused for a while and found her voice.

"Tomorrow." It seemed a little disappointed.

Looking at the various guests on his side and the waiter in front of him, the man gritted his teeth, "Can I meet your boss?"

The person who came was Feng Dao, who was entrusted by his old mother to buy things. The reason was because the old man had a small car accident and was hospitalized a few days ago.

He was old, and he suffered a car accident and lost a lot of weight in just a few days. Feng Dao could only find a way to come over and show the old man if he could buy some.

As a result, his understanding of leisurely residence was too shallow, and it was sold out early when he came.

Annoyed for a while.

Thinking of Leuranju's boss is Jiang Xiaofei, to see if she can think of a way to cook a few more dishes, she even thought about owing her favor.

It really didn't work. He helped Jiang Xiaofei introduce some old friends. She should also want to develop upwards now and needs a ladder.

"I'm sorry, Sister Xiaofei, she doesn't see outsiders." Su Xuanxuan refused. If everyone came to see Sister Xiaofei, wouldn't Sister Xiaofei have nothing else to do except meet people?

Besides, Concubine is now a big star! The level of madness of her fans, she, a person who does not mix with fans, knows that she is a bit sturdy, so she naturally refuses.

Rejected, Feng Dao lowered his head and thought.

"Well, tell Jiang Xiaofei it's me, and then decide whether to see her or not, okay?"

"Director Feng?" Su Xuanxuan chewed the words in her mouth. Is she still a director? It's hard to say that I really know Sister Xiaofei. After all, Sister Xiaofei is in the entertainment industry, and those in the entertainment industry who are filming will meet the director.

Afraid of delaying things for Jiang Xiaofei, Su Xuanxuan asked Feng Dao to wait for a while before she went in and asked.

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