"Isn't the effect of launching Sun Meili before it was very good? He directly captured a group of guests from Youranju. What about those people?" Sweetheart continued to ask.

The reason why she dug up Sun Meili was not only that she had learned a lot of Jiang Xiaofei's craftsmanship, and her craftsmanship was very good, but also that her status as a leisurely former cook could be bluffing.

The store manager told the truth, "There are indeed many people who came here at the beginning, and they ordered all the dishes that were...

He continued: "After that, fewer and fewer people came. We also asked a few guests, and when we asked, they said that the taste was far worse than that of Leuranju."

In the last few words, the manager's voice became lower and lower.

"It's far away? Where can it go? It's all done by one person! It's just a different place. Is it possible that our place is not as good as that small leisurely living environment?"

Sweetheart was furious, calmed down, and asked the store manager to call Sun Meili, "You call me Sun Meili!"

The problem with the taste is definitely with the cook, looking for the person who cooks.

"Boss!" Sun Meili lost a lot more than before.

The people who come here have changed, the environment has also changed, and there are many fights and disturbances, which inevitably consumes the mind.

"The manager just said that some customers reported that the taste of the food you made is far from the previous one. I think I need an explanation." Sweetheart sat on the chair and stared at her sharply.

This was dug up by myself at a huge cost, and the most important thing is to make the best use of it!

Sun Meili smiled bitterly, "Boss, I used the original ingredients to make the same taste, but then you asked to remove the excess, so the taste cannot be guaranteed..."

Want the same taste without those things? Even if she is not a cook, she understands that this is impossible, and Sun Meili, who is a cook now, has a deep understanding of it.

She can make good things, provided that she has sufficient materials and support, Jiang Xiaofei was generous when she was in the leisurely residence, and she knew a lot about herself. Sun Meili practiced a lot and had room for manipulation.

And here, Sweetheart is a businessman through and through, demanding interests first, the same money, of course, the more you pay, the more you get.

"You mean the things you make taste so different because of the things I stopped?" Sweetheart squinted at her.

She felt a little unhappy in her heart, and she also knew in her heart that it must have something to do with her actions at that time, but knowing it was one thing, saying it was one thing.

"Okay, next, all the ingredients are according to your order. I hope the taste is the same as where you made it before!" Sweetheart stood up and approached Sun Meili.

"Thank you boss! I will continue to work hard!" Sun Meili nodded happily.

"Okay, you can go back and work hard, and the benefits are indispensable to you."

Slap sweet dates with a stick, sweethearts work well.

Looking at the silly girl, Sweetheart smiled disdainfully.

"How is the person you arranged to learn?" Sweetheart asked the store manager beside him.

After all, they are people who have been dug from other places. If they can be dug by themselves at a high price, they will inevitably not be dug by others. How can sweetheart be assured?

What's more, the person who dug over is a little stupid, which is better.

"I'm studying, and Sun Meili usually doesn't cover up when she cooks, she's very generous."

Silly too!

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