The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1028 Have a vision

If a woman usually dares to say that he is cute, He Shao, who thinks he is handsome and handsome, will naturally go crazy, but if a beautiful woman says he is cute, it will be different.

Pretending to be handsome, he touched his chin and gave Wen Renyou a wink, "Beauty has eyes."

Wen Renyou smiled, "What? Like that girl just now?" He pointed to Jiang Xiaofei.

"I like it, I like all pretty girls, and you~ I like it too." Chong Wenrenyou winked, saying that even if he likes Jiang Xiaofei, he won't ignore her.

"Child, I can be your mother at my age." Wen Renyou patted He Shao's head, a little funny.

"But don't flirt casually, your girlfriend will be angry."

He Shao also followed Wen Renyou's gaze to Gao Lixia, just in time to see Gao Lixia's resentful expression.

"Xiao Xia, don't be sad, I still like you a little bit now." He Shao ignored Gao Lixia, looked at her with a little guilt, and spoke to comfort.

It's better not to say it!

Wen Renyou couldn't help laughing out loud, these two fools, Gao Lixia's face was a little uncomfortable, "I thank you."

"Yuyou, why did you come here?" Wen Renzijin came over.

"I met a very cute child." Wen Renyou smiled.

"Hello, Uncle Wenren! I'm He Shen! The third child of the He family." When He Shao saw Wen Renzijin coming over, he immediately restrained himself and introduced himself in a serious manner.

"You've grown up so much. The last time I saw you, I was a little fat man. Now I'm much more handsome." Wen Renzi raised his eyebrows.

"It's been a long time." He Shao was a little shy.

Back then, he was a simple and honest little chubby, but he was cute and loving. Now he has become a pink flower peacock, and he has also learned to pick up girls. Wen Renzijin was very emotional.

But this pink suit is really an eyesore, he wanted to rip it off for him.

"Uncle Wenren and this sister are a good match!" He Shao felt Wen Renzi's unkind gaze and thought it was because he had just flirted with his woman and flattered him to save a little bit.

Wen Renzi pursed his lips and smiled, "This is my sister Wen Renyou, not my girlfriend."

"Wen... Wen Ren... Miss." He Shen's calf was shaking, what was he doing just now? He was bold enough to pay attention to Wen Renyou.

It's over, will the He family go bankrupt because of himself...

Some of Wen Renyou's deeds have been heard by the old guys in the family who have been talking about him. This is the woman who holds Wen Ren's family in her hands by herself...

He Shen revealed a feeling of mourning all over his body.

When Wen Ren Zijin saw this kid, he knew that he must have had some crazy thoughts just now, chuckled and teased him, "He Shen, why do you call me Uncle Wenren and Miss Wenren? Obviously I'm only better than her. half an hour."

Woohoo~ He Shen was about to cry, looked at Wen Renzijin with a bitter face, and then at Wen Renyou, he couldn't call her auntie to Wen Renyou's face.

"Hey!" He Shen smirked sadly.

He can't afford to offend Miss Wenren, nor is Wen Renzijin easy to offend.

"Okay, don't tease him, everyone is about to cry." Wen Renyou showed kindness.

"But... Xiao He, right, your clothes don't suit you, ugly!" Wen Renyou was always uncomfortable just seeing this pink body, and it was precisely because of this pink body that she came over.

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