"Yes, what you said is that I will never wear this color again." Woohoo, if he could, he could take off this dress now, and look away from Wenrenyou's skin, he would have known him earlier. Why are you wearing this sassy powder and being stared at by this devil.

Wen Renyou nodded with satisfaction, "And the girl just now, she shouldn't want to have anything to do with you, you are so cute and have many choices."

Wen Renzijin glanced at Wen Renyou in surprise. He didn't expect that his sister, who has always been known for her cruelty, would be so kind one day.

He Shen, a wealthy child, is very diligent in chasing beautiful girls, playing a lot of things, and 'that girl' is not unexpectedly He Shen's next target.

When an ordinary person with a little ability encounters a behemoth like the He family, the consequences can be imagined.

He Shen's body was shocked, and he finally became smart at this time. He knew that Wen Renyou had something to say and didn't like him to pester Jiang Xiaofei, so he nodded quickly, and was about to swear.

Wen Renyou nodded, and he dragged Gao Lixia away like a fly.

"When did the eldest miss grow into a bodhisattva's heart? She is so kind-hearted?" Wen Renzijin looked at her with a smile.

Wen Renyou glanced at him, thinking that the girl just now was very beautiful, and her Ruan Ruan would be so beautiful when she grew up...

"I've always been kind, thank you! Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me now, you should be in Continent F!" He stepped on high heels and left.


"Jiaojiao, your skin is getting better and better. I remember that we all ordered the same skin care products, why is your skin so much better than mine? I haven't seen it before, have you been using it secretly recently? What good stuff?"

"Sister Xiangyi, don't ask me if I'm doing well when you see me, ask me this!" Yang Jiao pouted, holding Ouyang Xiangyi's arm coquettishly.

"Okay, how old are you, and you're still acting like a spoiled child." Ouyang Xiangyi pushed Yang Jiaojiao away in disgust.

"Don't get off the topic, tell me honestly." Ouyang Xiangyi squinted.

Yang Jiaojiao pouted, her eyes lit up just in time to see that beautiful figure.

"Little Concubine!"


"Mr. Jiang, Tianmei!"

"Miss Yang!"

"Jiaojiao, long time no see!"

"You should all know this one, Miss Ouyang Xiangyi, this is Jiang Xiaofei, this is Zhao Tianmei, this is Jiang Jian!"

Yang Jiaojiao introduced Ouyang Xiangyi.

She is very familiar with Jiang Xiaofei and Zhao Tianmei, especially Jiang Xiaofei. The two have a good relationship because of the back and forth of skin care products and chocolate.

"Nice to meet you!" Ouyang Xiangyi nodded at the three of them.

He focused his attention on Jiang Xiaofei and looked at her carefully.

She is indeed very beautiful. It is the kind of appearance that is eye-catching, but still attractive. Just this superior appearance can tell how much God favors her.

"Miss Ouyang!" Jiang Xiaofei gave Ouyang Xiangyi a polite smile.

This is the first time I have seen Hua Dan, Ouyang Xiangyi and Jiang Xiaofei, who have the same status as Wen Jie and others.

It is said that this Miss Ouyang will become another Xia Guo actor who has made a name for herself in the world after Jiangying.

No wonder it is thought to be another Xia Guo actor after Jiangying, Ouyang Xiangyi's appearance is more western, and his facial features are very deep. It is said that he has part of the blood of M country.

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