The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1052 You eat too

The producer stood up and smiled gracefully, "I believe that everyone joined this crew because they liked this drama, so for this drama that everyone likes, please work together to make it better, I am this drama. If you have any difficulties in life, work, or doubts, you can come to me, and if you can help, I will definitely help! I will clean it up first.”

The producer dries up all the red wine in the glass.

"Okay! Let's see how generous our production is. Come, come, let's toast to the producer." Director Lai continued to greet everyone.

Glass after glass of wine over there.

Jiang Xiaofei and Ouyang Xiangyi sat as steady as Mount Tai, and the rest were active, and many people used to respect the director, producer, Kong Yue and others.

Although I think the producer's words are very open, and the person seems very reliable, but he is a little too enthusiastic.

To say that in other industries, it is normal to have such people. After all, teachers who are good teachers and people in other industries who are enthusiastic and helpful can be seen.

But this is the entertainment industry. It's not that such people shouldn't appear in the entertainment industry, but it's a little strange. Every actor who wants to be famous goes to him. Can he help so many people? Not realistic.

Jiang Xiaofei and Ouyang Xiangyi were eating food. Almost everyone was drinking and socializing, and there were very few people eating food.

Ouyang Xiangyi didn't dare to eat too much. When eating, he would put it in the bowl of clear water next to him to rinse it off to remove the oil.

All I eat are green leaves, cucumbers, etc., and I don't dare to touch the meat.

Jiang Xiaofei doesn't have so many taboos. Some time ago, she controlled her diet for the catwalk, and her hungry eyes turned green, but she didn't need it anymore. The first thing she did when she came back, Jiang Xiaofei took Xu Yanxiu to his hot pot restaurant. Eat and eat, have a good time.

This time Shenghua's dishes were also very good. The beef, pork, and the crispy chicken were all very good. Jiang Xiaofei ate it with relish.

Ouyang Xiangyi originally took advantage of the absence of her manager today and no one was staring at her. She enjoyed eating two more chopsticks, and she felt very happy. As a result, when she saw Jiang Xiaofei enjoying her meal, she felt that the dishes in her hands were not fragrant in an instant.

"See what I'm doing? Eat it." Jiang Xiaofei felt Ouyang Xiangyi's gaze, swallowed what was in her mouth and said.

Ouyang Xiangyi's eyes were faint, "If you eat it, you will grow meat, I don't dare to eat it..."

"Oh~" That's none of my business.

Jiang Xiaofei buried her head and continued to eat.

Ouyang Xiangyi sighed.

No wonder Yang Jiaojiao said that she couldn't eat with Jiang Xiaofei, a beast...

Everything happens for a reason.

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaofei was interrupted by the annoying person before she finished eating.

"Little Concubine, your food is delicious." Ran Menglin smiled and stood beside Kong Yue with a wine glass.

Um? He raised his head blankly and looked at the source of the sound.

Ran Menglin hated Jiang Xiaofei's appearance, and the producer softened her heart when she saw Jiang Xiaofei's appearance.

However, knowing that Jiang Xiaofei and the president of Yanshi Group have a close relationship, they dare not do anything to her.

The additional investment was to be used for the lunch box by name, and a separate meal was ordered for Jiang Xiaofei. The producer heard about it from Director Lai.

"Are you calling me?" Jiang Xiaofei asked uncertainly.

This nasty woman called herself?

"Hehe, I mean you eat deliciously."

"Oh, you can eat it too." He took another piece of crispy meat from the plate.

Where is Ran Menglinka, you can eat it can eat it too...

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