The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1053 Blocking it strictly

She is so old, and her metabolism can't keep up in all aspects. If she dares to eat like this, she won't have to meet anyone.

"Are you kidding me? Artists need to keep their figure. Xiaofei, are you disrespectful to the producer and Director Lai?" Ran Menglin shook the wine in the glass and looked at her with a smile.

"Respect, but didn't Senior Ran respect the producers and directors all the time? You're blocking your way. I plan to wait until you're done." Jiang Xiaofei looked at her with a smile.

It's not that I don't want to go, it's you who blocked my past!

Ouyang Xiangyi held back her laughter and looked at Ran Menglin, who was embarrassed, and Jiang Xiaofei, who was triumphant.

I'm really worried for nothing, I don't have to worry that Jiang Xiaofei can't handle it. Wen's Jiang Xiaofei is no problem, as for martial arts... Jiang Xiaofei's force value is not a problem, and the only thing that needs to be vigilant is the evil trick.

"I'm sorry, I've delayed you, please respect now." Ran Menglin squeezed out a smile and stepped aside.

The people at the other tables also saw the situation here, but no one dared to manage the affairs on the main table, and those who dared to manage had no intention of wanting to manage.

Saying respect, Jiang Xiaofei stood up and walked over.

"Wait." Ouyang Xiangyi stopped Jiang Xiaofei, got up slowly, and walked over with the wine glass.

Everyone thought that Ouyang Xiangyi was dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaofei's female No. 3 toasting in front of her and wanted to attack.

"Let's go together." He took Jiang Xiaofei's arm and walked over together.

The crowd is outraged.

"You go first." Ouyang Xiangyi asked Jiang Xiaofei to toast first.

"Respect the director and producer, I hope the crew will get better and better! I'll do it first as a respect." Jiang Xiaofei sighed and drank all the wine.

Director Lai hadn't recovered from Jiang Xiaofei's bluntness, but was stunned for a moment before drinking with a smile.

"Go! Let's make progress together!"

"Yes, common progress and common progress." Director Lai and the producer drank the wine.

I don't know what's going on, maybe she was surprised by Jiang Xiaofei's bold look and drank all the wine in the glass.

Before the toast was done by the toast, the two of them took a sip.

"To the director and the producer, I also give you two a toast, and give this show a rating of Changhong!"

Ran Menglin didn't know whether she was afraid of Jiang Xiaofei's arrogance or what, so she didn't find fault with her, Jiang Xiaofei ate peacefully all night, and ordered several times in between.

Ouyang Xiangyi ate a few pieces of meat in a panic, feeling extremely guilty, but also very satisfied.

It's not wrong to say that people from Xia people like to talk about feelings at the wine table, but after a meal, everyone in the crew is no longer alienated at the beginning.

The role of Yang Meixin played by Jiang Xiaofei is not as good as that of the heroine and the second female lead, but except for the latter episodes, she has appeared in every previous episode.

The first episode is about two police academy sisters who have just stepped into the society from campus and came to the city bureau to report.

Jiang Xiaofei and Ouyang Xiangyi haven't put on uniform clothes yet, they are all wearing ordinary clothes.

It happened that the ex-wife of Captain Wang Fan came to him for help.

Seeing Yu Meixia crying, Wang Fan was indifferent.

"Wang Fan, please help me, we are married anyway, please."

The rest of the city bureau are also used to it. The ex-wife of Captain Wang comes back every once in a while. They have gone from being curious and shocked at the beginning to being calm now.

You can also say hello to the entangled Captain Wang.

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