The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1214 Xu Baobao's Protest

Jiang Xiaofei touched her stomach and shook her head with a smile, "The baby is kicking me."

Hu Lai also breathed a sigh of relief, complaining in his heart that his little cousin must be protesting against these unscrupulous women at home.

"Oh, you see, we are still talking about whether the baby likes it or not, and the baby appears. The baby must like it, right?" Sister Xu smiled and touched Xiaofei Jiang's belly.

By the way, Baobao Xu kicked again, "Mom, this child is quite energetic."

Sister-in-law Xu smiled.

"Dear me, don't bother mom." Mrs. Xu also liked energetic children, but she felt distressed when she saw Jiang Xiaofei's pale face.

Xu Baobao: ╭(╯^╰)╮People are just protesting against small skirts.

It's a pity that Xu Baobao, who is still a fetus, can't be tired no matter how energetic he is, and the group of bad grandmothers, bad aunts and bad mothers outside thought he liked it very much.

Perhaps Hu Lai reminded them that in addition to choosing some little girls' clothes, they also chose a lot of little boys.

They still don't know whether the child in Jiang Xiaofei's womb is a boy or a girl. In this month, it will be easy to check the sex of the child, even if it is not allowed, but for the Xu family, this kind of thing is very easy, and even those doctors are rushing. Tell them, but the Xu family does not have any requirements for whether they are male or female, and even if they are required, they will not let the child be killed.

And the child's parents have no requirements on whether it is a boy or a girl. It's fine, and naturally there is no need to check the gender, so in order to maintain a little mystery when giving birth, they didn't check it, and the grand prize was revealed at the last moment.

Hu Lai carried the bag in both hands, followed behind the three women, and continued to look at the bags and clothes.

The three women who are expensive, wearing clothes that look like a lady, wearing sunglasses and carrying a limited edition Hermès bag, walking on the road are the three brightest cubs on the road, no one.

All kinds of gazes were entangled on the three of them, but looking at the imposing manner all over their body and carrying a 'bodyguard', they all winked and didn't step forward to disturb them.

Mrs. Xu took them into a very familiar store.

"You are here!"

As soon as the clerk saw Mrs. Xu, she stepped forward with a smile on her face.

This is the God of Wealth.

"Well, let's see for ourselves." Mrs. Xu refused to accompany her.

Jiang Xiaofei has a good eye, but she doesn't know much about these bags, but she doesn't have a deep understanding of these bags, and they introduce her enthusiastically.

It's a pity that it was interrupted after no introduction.

A lot of people poured into the store.

Also fought.

Mrs. Xu frowned. She brought them to this store because she saw that there were few people and quiet in this luxury store. How could someone make a fuss?

"I'll beat you to death, you shameless bastard! Bah! You learn to steal people, and you steal from the old lady! I think you don't want to live anymore!"

An extravagant middle-aged woman with a group of women and bodyguards surrounded the two 'dog men and women'.

This kind of cheating drama is very eye-catching no matter where it is. The signs outside the store are automatically ignored by everyone, and they all come in to watch the fun.

"that is not……"


Some people will inevitably recognize the protagonist of the incident, open their eyes, but no one dares to say anything at this time. The wife who taught people is too powerful to be offended.

You can only pick up your phone and shoot it.

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