The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1215 Zhao Tianmei

"Ah—you let me go!"

The woman who was caught by her hair shook off the woman who restrained her.

"Bah! You're dreaming, you slut, you really aren't a good thing. Tie my line and seduce my husband? I'll beat you to death!"

Thinking that this woman, who is a good sister, seduced her husband, it's no wonder she didn't kill her!

Pry the corner of the wall and pry it on her head!

If her son said she didn't know yet, this little bitch would be too deceiving.

"Wife, I'm innocent, it's all this woman! She took the initiative."

The man shook off the bodyguard and walked to the woman's side, knelt down and hugged the woman's plump thigh, crying with snot and tears, begging for forgiveness.

"Bah! You're not a good thing either! She's a bitch, and you're a beast!" The woman looked at the repentant man in front of him and slapped him fiercely.

If it wasn't for her son to wake her up, she would still be deceived by this man. She had cheated so many times, and she chose to forgive. This time her son also supported her divorce, so after cleaning up these two people, she would put him Get out of the house!

He kicked him fiercely, "You pull him away from me." He pointed at the man and said to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard stepped forward and pulled the man away.

"Sisters, teach me a lesson for this bitch. You can't walk after seeing a man. Is there a lack of men? Come on!" With a wave of arms, a group of women rushed up.

I don't know if it was agreed or what, these women were very measured and didn't touch the mistress's face. Except for the two slaps the woman slapped at the beginning, no one greeted them in the face, but they were pinched, pinched, and beaten. You're welcome.

"Come on, take a look, does this bitch look familiar? This is our big star Zhao Tianmei! Look, there is a shortage of men, go to be a junior, a man who prys your friends, everyone, come, Shoot hard!"

The middle-aged woman pinched Zhao Tianmei's neck from behind, revealing her face.

With a look of disdain, he scolded what Zhao Tianmei had done.

And passers-by also took out their mobile phones, surprised, disbelieving, and a little bit of joy, big stars, they not only saw the stars with their own eyes, but also saw the stars being caught!

"This is really Zhao Tianmei."

"I see it right. You look at the mole on Zhao Tianmei's neck. She also has it on her neck. It should be correct that everyone has said it."

"How could Zhao Tianmei do such a thing, I like her quite a bit."

"I have always thought that she is a clear stream in the entertainment industry. She does not hype and does not pretentiously film with peace of mind. Who would have known that she would do such a thing!"

"I'm so disappointed to do such a thing."


The words of the passers-by reached Zhao Tianmei's ears, as well as her body. Zhao Tianmei struggled and burst into tears.

The clerk wants to ask people to leave.

It's a pity that more and more people come in, and there is no way to control it, but to contact the security of the mall.

So many people are prone to accidents, and the items in their store are very precious, if damaged and lost...

There were more and more people, and Hu Lai immediately put the things in his hands aside and protected the three women.

"Grandma, be careful." Hu Lai pulled the old lady.

"Mom, are you alright?" Hu Lai looked at his mother worriedly.

Sister-in-law Xu waved her hand, "I'm fine, just take care of your grandma and auntie."

Jiang Xiaofei also said that there was nothing wrong, holding her stomach carefully.

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