The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1221 This paparazzi can't do it

There is no shortage of company arrangements here. The public popularity of Jiang Xiaofei and the others is the best tool to suppress Zhao Tianmei's news, add some water troops there, and spend money here to reduce hot searches, and the situation will stabilize soon. .

This means that the relationship between Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu has always been good, and they are not hidden. Everyone has long known about the two. It may be a little surprising to hear about the marriage suddenly, but when I think of the two After being together for a long time, the relationship is stable, and it seems that the marriage is not so surprising. This is a matter of course.

but! It's shocking to be so well concealed after being pregnant for so long.

【Chen Bucao! It's been almost six months, with a big belly, and it's only been discovered now? What do the paparazzi who are chasing after the wind eat? If it weren't for this exposure, wouldn't it have been discovered? Hasn't our baby Xu been hiding it all the time? 】

[This year's paparazzi are not good, there is no useful news at all, it is still the masses who are doing their best. 】

【Am I the only one who found it? Jiang Xiaofei and President Xu got their certificates a long time ago? People are working with a certificate, and those who say that they are forced to go to the palace or get pregnant out of wedlock can stop and stop. 】

[These two people are really holding back. They have been keeping their mouths shut for half a year. If it wasn't for the accident this time, I don't know when to say it! 】

[Those who got married, some concealed it because they were afraid of affecting their careers and preventing fans from rebounding, but Jiang Xiaofei and President Xu have always been in the eyes of the public, so there is no need for them. People may really think that getting married is two things. It's a personal matter, hands down. 】

[Anyway, my idol is getting married, I can only bless with tears, hahaha, my brother has been crying with a handkerchief to the point of being unable to control himself, shouting his cub and digging into the grave of marriage, hahahahaha, laughing to death I am. 】

[The plastic brother is really hammered, how do you laugh at your brother, do you know? 】

There, Jiang Xiaofei was treated carefully by the Xu family.

For fear that she would be frightened or her mood would be affected.

Until Jiang Xiaofei said that she was really fine, everyone nodded and was released from the alert state.

As for whether they are worried or not, only they know.

Xu Yanxiu knew Jiang Xiaofei, and knew that she would be fine if she said it was okay, but after all, something like Zhao Tianmei happened, not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, the person who always wanted her to rest, for the first time, had a way of letting her go. The idea of ​​her going to work.

And Xu Yanxiu did the same, communicated with Lin Mo, packed Jiang Xiaofei and sent it directly to the private plane to fly to M country.

Divert her attention with work.

Xu Yanxiu didn't have time for the time being, so he couldn't follow him, but some of the people around him, including the Lantian brothers, gave them to Jiang Xiaofei, and Jiang Xiaofei's managers and assistants were not spared either.

For fear of not serving her well.

In order to save trouble and convenience, Xu Yanxiu directly booked an entire floor of a hotel closest to the crew for Jiang Xiaofei, which is convenient for protection and on call.

"Xu Yanxiu, I didn't expect you to be so cruel." Jiang Xiaofei looked at him accusingly.

Knowing that the moment Xu Yanxiu sent her away, Jiang Xiaofei stayed there, never expected!

I also knew that Xu Yanxiu was probably trying to divert his attention with his work, but! She has explained it all, she is very good, she didn't take Zhao Tianmei's incident to heart, and she didn't worry about it.

But there is a kind of worry called boyfriend... oh no, your husband thinks you are worried.

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