The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1222 Meng Family

"Okay, take good care of yourself. I'll go to you after this period of time. If you have anything to do, you can call someone to accompany you when you come and go." Xu Yanxiu rubbed her head and warned worriedly.

"Understood, you are entering the state of being a father ahead of time." Jiang Xiaofei whispered.

"I don't have a conscience, who am I for?" Xu Yanxiu smiled.

Watching the group get on the plane, Xu Yanxiu waited for a long time before leaving.

Meng family.

"You bastard! Why don't you die! If I knew you were such a debt collector, I should have strangled you to death when I gave birth to you!"

Young Master Meng looked calmly at the woman who was splashing in front of him, indifferent.

"I gave birth to you, raised you deliciously, and you repay me like this! Go to hell!"

The woman rushed up, but was stopped halfway.

"Third madam, don't be impulsive!"

"Third madam, be careful."

The servants received the eyes of the uncle and the eldest lady and quickly stopped them.

"You don't have a conscience, even if you are the son of the uncle and the eldest lady, I at least have the kindness to support you. You have lost your conscience. You told Wen Renyou about that, how much you hate me. "

As she spoke, the woman burst into tears.

"You are too naive, don't think that you are lawless if you are not our son now!" The messy man next to him also looked at Young Master Meng angrily.

"What's the matter, the third one, you have something to say slowly, don't say it in a fog, we don't understand, if he does something wrong, we will definitely give you justice, just want you to say it. Yes, even if he passed it on to his elder brother and sister-in-law, he can't change the fact that you gave birth, right? Big brother and sister-in-law?"

A vicious man flashing in his eyes said maliciously.

The eldest brother glanced at him and ignored it, while the woman beside him glanced at Young Master Meng worriedly.

I was afraid that he would be injured, and that this group of wolves, tigers and leopards would never end.

Young Master Meng felt the worried look in the woman's eyes, the darkness in his heart dissipated a lot, his eyes filled with warmth, and he shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"Third, just say it, there are so many people here, and they will definitely seek justice for your husband and wife."

It's hard to get hold of him, but the second master doesn't want to let it go.

This stinky boy, since he entered the company, has become more and more ruthless, hurting some of his foundations, he will not just let it go.

And... he is not a direct descendant, just an adopted one. Does he really think he is the real heir?

The young couple who were called were scolded fiercely just now, but they didn't know what to say when they were asked.

"Second uncle wants to know what these two idiots did? I can tell you."

Young Master Meng opened his mouth and looked at him with a smile.

"Shut up! Little bastard, I should have killed you when I was young. It's not a good thing at first glance."

The third grandmother saw that Young Master Meng was about to speak, and was so anxious to try to climb him.

"Shut up, say one more unclean thing, wait for me!"

Young Master Meng's current mother was trembling with anger when she heard the unclean words of the third grandmother. Her son is obviously very obedient and filial, this beast! That's what he said.

He stepped forward and gave her a slap in the face.

Anyway, some of his son's thoughts were revealed to them, and they also supported his son's actions, and now they have no previous scruples.

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