The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1223 Meng Jiayi

Young Master Meng stood in front of Mother Meng without a trace, fearing that she would be hurt by the mad woman.

"Very angry?" Young Master Meng smiled slightly, looking at the excited couple.

"That woman is ruthless! I know you hate me, but you can't burn the Meng family to the ground." The third grandmother is not stupid, or she would not have become the current third grandmother by adopting her son to the direct descendant.

"Heh, I don't care about you, do you think I care about Meng Shi? Now Meng Shi has been made an empty shell by you moths, besides... Are you related to me? Where are my father and my mother. "

Young Master Meng pointed at the uncle and grandma.

"What the hell is going on! The third one, the two of you, make it clear."

Because Young Master Meng had spoken to the grandfather and grandma long ago, they knew a little about what happened, and they agreed with their son's plan, and now there is no accident at all.

And the second master was still thinking of pushing Young Master Meng out and taking the position himself. Now that Mr. Meng has a problem, he is naturally anxious. This is his!

The three grandmothers looked at each other, beautified some of the things they had done, and told them all.

"...That's the way it is. I didn't think about it when I was young. I have been trying to atone for my sins all these years, did this, wouldn't you bury the entire Meng family!"

He looked at Young Master Meng resentfully.

The son and daughter of the third grandmother on the side, when they heard the third grandma, glanced at Meng Da Shao angrily. They were all born by the same parents. Why is he a veritable young master, and they have to please other people to get benefits. .

It's not that there is no jealousy, and I also thought about why it wasn't them. Now this cheap brother wants to ruin their good life. How would they want to.

"Bastard!" The third grandmother's son rushed up to beat Young Master Meng.

Young Master Meng glanced at him lightly, and before he could move, the bodyguard on the side restrained him.

"It's just a dog that eats and drinks. If you keep it well, you will keep it. If you don't want to... I don't mind slaughtering the dog." Meng Dashao smiled disdainfully.

"As for you..."

Meng Dashao didn't know what to think, "Do you really think that no one knows what you did back then? You are so bold that even the children of Jiang's and Wenren's family dare to move, and the most important thing is... that idiot is still helping with you."

Young Master Meng glanced at the third master next to him.

What are the third masters and third grandmothers, they are just distant collaterals of the Meng family, oh, so is he, but he was adopted by the uncle and grandmother of the Meng family, and is now their child.

The third grandmother wanted to say something with her mouth moving, and she felt that Meng Dashao wanted to make people Ling Chi's eyes, and lowered her head.

"Jiang Yiheng, do you think you're worthy? Even Wen Renyou's finger is not worthy. How can you have the courage to delusion?"

The more you talk about Meng Dashao, the more you want to laugh. A sideline of the Meng family may not be considered at the time. After all, she became a sideline of the Meng family after marrying the third master, and the third grandma’s family was just out of poverty. Even the third master of the side branch is not worthy. If the third master did not change his infatuation with her, she would not have married him, let alone Jiang Yiheng.

"You... you shut up!" The third grandmother raised her head and looked at Young Master Meng with scarlet eyes, as if she wanted to tear him apart.

The people present had mixed reactions when they heard what Meng Dashao said.

Many of the older generation knew that the third grandmother liked Jiang Yiheng, but the young people were shocked.

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