"Thank you! I don't need it! You just need to remember some things you should say and some things you shouldn't say in front of your children." Jiang Xiaofei gave her a cold look.

【Chen Bucao! What a shame! 】

[My God, everything has been exposed, who gave you such courage? 】

[The little concubine who protects the cub is also super loving! Domineering! 】

[I just want to know if the baby is the illegitimate child of Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang, and why Jiang Xiaofei took the baby to the show, does it mean to make it public? 】

[No way, Jiang Xiaofei is now in love with President Xu, and that child calls her Auntie. 】

[An illegitimate child, huh! You guys are really having fun, I hope to give our fans an explanation and don’t want to be fooled by you anymore. 】

[Netizens please accumulate virtue, a child doesn't understand anything, how old is he? He is full of curiosity about this world, just like Jiang Xiaofei said that he is still a child! You can point the arrow at adults, but a child should save it. 】

[Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. As the child of Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang, the baby should pay the price for his parents deceiving the masses, don't say it so grandly! 】

Roy's face was a little ugly when she was blocked by Jiang Xiaofei, but thinking of the abuse against her on the Internet, she put these things aside. Anyway, Jiang Xiaofei will not end well. She can be so confident because there is President Xu behind her. Backing up? It may be okay to have an ex-boyfriend, but having an illegitimate child... Ordinary families don't know if they can accept it, let alone a wealthy family.

Thinking of this, Roy is even more confident about Jiang Xiaofei.

"Little Concubine, what's going on here? What difficulties can you tell me? We can help you think of a solution, don't you think?" Roy opened his mouth, and also cued Che Ran and Lin Feiran.

Jiang Xiaofei hooked her lips, watching Roy jumping like she was watching a clown jumping beams. While watching her show off her presence, she took out a small cake baked at noon for the baby to eat.

"Eat slowly and don't choke."

"Thank you auntie!" Bao Bao's big round eyes eagerly looked at the small cake that Jiang Xiaofei handed over. The small cake was not big enough for a child as small as Bao to eat it in one bite.

"Do you want to eat?" Jiang Xiaofei looked at the child next to her, and was not stingy.

"Thank you, Auntie Xiaofei!" An An nodded coolly, thanking him.

"Thank you Auntie~" Tinkerbell took it with a smile.

"Thank you!" said silently and uncomfortably.

"Do you want to eat some?" Jiang Xiaofei looked at Lin Feiran and the others.

Che Ran watched the turmoil on the Internet, and didn't really want to provoke these right and wrong, but seeing Jiang Xiaofei's look of indifference, she thought she might have other cards, and she didn't directly brush her good intentions.


"Thank you!" Lin Feiran was naturally not afraid of these disturbances. He still remembered the waves caused by his open relationship with Yang Jiaojiao before. Jiang Xiaofei also supported them at the time, so he would naturally not ignore it at this time.

What's more, he didn't spend too much time with Jiang Xiaofei, but he also knew that she would not do anything unsure. This situation is so leisurely, there are only two possibilities. , or there are other back-ups...

"No need! Thank you!" Roy refused, she didn't want to get involved with people with bad reputation now.

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