Jiang Xiaofei gave her a speechless look, did you have it for you? Self-motivated!

Qin Feiyang and Jiang Xiaofei have not come out to explain, the two of them and some fans of Xu Yanxiu have flooded into the live broadcast room, asking Jiang Xiaofei to give an explanation.

"Director! The number has reached 20 million! It's still pouring in, and most of them are asking Jiang Xiaofei to give an explanation."

"Okay, I see, don't worry, the more people the better! Hehehe." Others may not know, but as Qin Feiyang's backdoor, the director naturally knows what's going on.

The relationship between Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang is not that complicated. The bigger the trouble now, the more favorable their show will be! This result was already expected.

As for how to deal with it later, they said that there is no need for the crew to worry about it, and he will naturally not take care of it.

On the first day, the crew was still humanized, and there were not many tasks arranged. Although the artists were a little tired, they still persevered.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Xiaofei felt Roy's constant gaze, frowning, a little unhappy.

This woman has not done much work all afternoon since she saw the things that broke out on the Internet, and has been busy looking at herself.

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious, and the more you and the baby look, the more mother and son look." She smiled twice, expressing that she was just curious and couldn't hold back.

"Really? That's a coincidence, two people who are not related by blood actually look alike? Haha." Jiang Xiaofei smiled and didn't smile, she and the baby look alike? When you see the baby's mother, you won't think like this. The only thing that is similar between her and the baby's whole body should be those big eyes, but Jiang Xiaofei's big eyes are almond eyes, and the baby's is a bit peach blossom eyes, only a simple big resemblance That's it, there's white skin.

No blood relationship? ? ?

Is Roy a little unresponsive?

"Aren't you the baby's mother? Don't make trouble, everyone knows it." Said that it would be useless for Jiang Xiaofei to hide, and everyone already knew it.

【What's the matter? Does this count as a proper response? Is she okay with the baby? 】

【I knew it! Our little concubine and the baby are not related by blood. The little concubine and Qin Feiyang are good friends. Qin Feiyang is older than the little concubine, so he is the elder brother. In this way, it is no problem for the little concubine to be the baby's aunt. 】

[What's the use of just talking? Please show evidence! 】

[Although Jiang Xiaofei denied it, I am still a little worried. After all, there are a lot of slaps in the face in the entertainment industry...]

【Trust Xiaofei! Toffee is always behind you! 】

Jiang Xiaofei curled her lips and smiled, looking at Roy who was a little funny there, "Baby tell Aunt Roy, where is your mother?"

"Mom? Aunt, is mom coming to find the baby? The baby misses mom so much! But isn't mom at home with dad?" When the baby heard his mom, he was as excited as all children, but it was still clear that the grandparents brought The baby has come a long way, and mom and dad are at home.

Looking at the confused baby, Jiang Xiaofei couldn't help pinching her chubby little face, "Oh, I know, your mother and your father are at your house and didn't come, you can see them when the show is over. !"

"Oh." The baby's mouth pouted so high that he looked in a bad mood.

Roy also didn't know for a while whether what Jiang Xiaofei said was true or not, so he didn't dare to continue to avoid self-defeating.

【Good... Bad! You tease the baby so much, aren't you afraid that the baby's parents will clean you up? Can't laugh or cry. 】

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