The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 822 Three dozen white bone spirits

[An An's aura is so strong! Silently cowardly, hahaha, the bear child is cowardly so easily? 】


[That's because you didn't see the last season. We silently were also unruly young people who refused to accept anyone. Unfortunately, we met An An and were taught by An An how to behave. After good. 】

[It's not that Momo is too cowardly, it's that An An is too arrogant~ For details, please refer to the car burning that has been habitually dominated by An An. 】

[Calling madly for An An~]

The performance of Jiang Xiaofei and Baobao also came to an end.

"Thank you! Grandpa and grandma please! Remember to give Huahua to Baobao and Baobao's aunt! Baobao's aunt will make super delicious biscuits, small pastries, and beef jerky..." Baobao counted one by one with his fingers, not serious .

Seeing that the baby didn't stop, the staff waved and made a gesture to Jiang Xiaofei.

Staff: Miss Jiang, please bring the baby down.

Jiang Xiaofei: OK!

Jiang Xiaofei raised a smile and grabbed the baby's busy little hand, "Baby, let's give the place to Brother Momo and the others, and share the delicious food made by aunt with grandparents later, okay?"

"Yeah! Later!" The baby nodded heavily.

The place was given to Momo and Roy next.

Jiang Xiaofei touched the nonexistent sweat on her forehead, no wonder she brought all the pastries and biscuits she made when she came, little clever ghost.

"Sister Xiaofei, how did you guys come up to perform that?" Che Ran couldn't hold back the smile on his lips.

"Cough! Thanks to the baby." Jiang Xiaofei made a pun.

The baby heard that Jiang Xiaofei had cued him, and looked here suspiciously.

"It's okay, just watch the show." Jiang Xiaofei rubbed his head twice.

Jiang Xiaofei and the others finally knew why Roy didn't say what they were performing, not because they wanted to be the first, but because it was difficult to speak...

Momo over there didn't know where to take out a small long stick, and danced a few times, imitating Sun Wukong and shouting: "dai! Where can the goblin escape!"

A stick hit Roy.

"Ah—" Roy felt the pain of the stick, frowned, and looked at Momo with a bad look. He had clearly said before, but now the strength is...

Momo seemed to sense her question, ignored it, and shook his head proudly.

"The goblin will be captured soon! Watch my old grandson come to clean you up!" Silently moved forward with his 'golden cudgel' and danced.

Now that Roy knows the silent action, he naturally won't let him play stupidly and run away.

"Just now..." Really, Che Ran was about to speak.

An An pushed him and glanced at him lightly.

Fool! To shut up!

Don't ask him why he knew, An An's eyes made him suddenly realize that this is a live broadcast, some things can be said, some can't.

"Auntie, that aunty seems to be in a lot of pain." The baby wrinkled his face and rested his chin in two small hands.

"Because Aunt Roy is now playing the white bone spirit, and the white bone spirit was hit by Sun Wukong's golden hoop."

With Jiang Xiaofei's eyesight, she could naturally see that the stick that just silently hit was a real blow, but...why did she say it? All harm and no benefit.

"Is it the three dozen white bone spirits that Dad told me before?" The baby blinked and suddenly cheered up.

"You have to ask your father about this, I don't know." Jiang Xiaofei spread her hands.

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