The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 823: The Bone Spirit Wins?

There is no need for Jiang Xiaofei and Baobao to ask, the audience watching the live broadcast has already touched Qin Feiyang and asked questions.

[Emperor Qin, have you told your baby about three dozen white bone spirits? 】

[Baby is a little clever ghost, hahaha~]

[Baby's father, is that the three dozen white bone spirits you mentioned? doubt】

[Qin Feiyang: I told him, the bedtime story I told him at the time, but he fell asleep halfway through...]

The performances of Momo and Roy continued.

There were people around, and Roy couldn't run anywhere, but was silently chased.

The old people didn't notice the undercurrent between Momo and Roy, and they watched happily.

"it is good!"

"Hit her! Beat the bone spirit, and see if she dares to eat Master."

"Eat my old grandson with a stick!" Silently excitedly waving the 'golden hoop stick'.

Although Momo is a little mischievous, the child's strength is limited after all. Even if it hurts, Roy has been enduring it, hiding a few times at most, but now Momo is coming at his face, although he is not tall, but the stick is long. .

Roy didn't dare to take risks, after all, there were some places on her face that could not be easily touched.

She took advantage of the situation and grabbed the stick in Momo's hand, swiped the stick aside and grabbed Momo.

"Then Sun Wukong's apprenticeship was unfavorable, and he was brought back to the cave by the white bone spirit. Thank you everyone!"

Even pulling the belt and holding the handle silently got it down.

"Let go of me, Baigujing, let me go!" Silently struggled hard.

"It's obviously not like this! The white bone spirit was finally beaten to death by the wise Sun Wukong! This great sage wants to kill you, the goblin!"

The two were noisy and lively for a while.

The director waved to the staff and motioned them to let the next group go up. They all saw what happened just now. The silent boy must be naughty again. The show can be noisy, but it must be within a certain limit, otherwise it will not be lively, and became a farce.

"Please come on the next team!" The staff shouted.

"Let's go." An An and Che Ran went up.

【What happened just now? Who can tell me? 】

【What happened? Why didn't I get it? Bone spirit wins? ? Are you kidding me. 】

[The program team suddenly shot and definitely didn't know what happened. 】

[Where did Silent and Roy go? 】

[What happened to the two of them. 】

[Look at An An's hip-hop, it's so cool! Oh my God! Ahhh! An An is my new wall head. 】

【┗|`O′|┛嗷~~I announce that I am going to climb the wall, Ann Ann! 】

An An and Che Ran's hip-hop dance exploded on the scene, attracting everyone's attention, temporarily pushing Momo and Roy away.

Roy and Momo had come to the side long ago to avoid being broadcast in a mess. Roy took him to the side.

"What's the matter with you! Why hit me!" Roy looked at Momo with an ugly face.

The injured area should be red, no matter how weak Silent's strength is, but Roy's thin skin and tender flesh will turn red when touched, let alone a stick.

The staff who followed the two guarded them on the side. The director was afraid of an accident and sent them here. The two ancestors of the province were making trouble, just in case.

"I'm Sun Wukong! Of course I want to fight the white bone spirit!" Silently stubbornly stalked his head.

"I don't remember that we said that at the time! Otherwise I wouldn't agree, why didn't you tell me in advance?" Roy's face pulled down was bluffing enough.

She shrank her neck silently, a little scared.

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