The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 834 why are you so stupid

"Okay, I see." Xia Jinchao continued to deal with business affairs, and did not intend to talk to her more.

"Brother, don't forget it." Xia Qingning warned worriedly.

He looked up at Xia Qingning, who was reluctant to shut up.

Xia Jinchao took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the secretary, asking him to help him order. He also has Xia Qingning's size.

Domestic artists who participated in Grandma Xiang Fashion Week also arrived one after another, and many people came this time.

The domestic clothing endorsement of Grandma Xiang, who Mo Fenghua always wanted to win, was won by Ouyang Xiangyi. Although Tong Xue has no other names, she now has the intention of cooperating with Grandma Xiang, so she naturally got the invitation, Wen Jie also came, and There are some emerging artists.

Besides, what surprised Jiang Xiaofei the most was that Gao Lixia actually came.

Before, Gao Hanlu made a lot of trouble because Gao Lixia targeted him, and the company also hid Gao Lixia.

I was surprised to see it suddenly.

Roy is also in this list. She wants to build momentum for the next "Dawn". The sponsor supports her, and it is not a problem to get an invitation.

"Why is Jiang Xiaofei here!" Roy was a little unhappy when he saw the announcement posted online.

"Jiang Xiaofei is Grandma Xiang's ambassador. It's strange that she doesn't come." The agent was busy.

Roy is only a third- and fourth-tier artist now, so she is not the only one under her manager. It is only because Roy has the ability to get resources that he pays more attention to her.

Roy gritted his teeth when he heard the agent's words. Why did she have her? She finally asked for an invitation, but she got it so easily.

"Don't compare with her, it won't be too late to compare when you both reach the same status." The agent has brought so many artists and naturally knows Roy's thoughts.

He also watched "The Arrival of Cute Baby", and he knew what happened. His first reaction was: Why is Roy so stupid?

What a great opportunity, not to mention Lin Feiran's status, even Jiang Xiaofei and Che Ran are much stronger than Roy.

Needless to say, Jiang Xiaofei's current popularity has also won a big production. Next, there is a big production in Chengzitai to be filmed, that is, Che Ran became popular with "Beauty in the World", and her reputation and status are now skyrocketing.

There are eldest young ladies on Lin Feiran's side who dare not provoke them, but Jiang Xiaofei has a sister who is deeply in love, and it's okay to throw a CP smoke bomb at the car burner. Isn't the heat on it all at once?

Even if you don't rub the heat and get along well, it's hard to say that you can use each other in the future.

What did Corroy do? Yes! She now has the support of Young Master Meng, but can Young Master Meng support her for the rest of her life?

"Don't forget that you are my agent now!" Roy yelled at the agent.

After being in the 18th line for so long, she finally turned over. The most taboo thing is that her status is not comparable to others. When the agent said it, she was like a fried lion.

The agent glanced at her and said nothing.

The next day was the catwalk at Grandma Xiang's house.

Jiang Xiaofei was the ambassador and was arranged in front, with Gao He on the left and Qin Feiyang on the right.

"Yo! Xiaofei, I haven't seen you for a long time and you are beautiful again." Tong Xue waved at Jiang Xiaofei across the crowd.

Jiang Xiaofei looked over, and what she saw was not Tong Xue's face, but the snow white that was about to come out...

As Tong Xue waved her hand and trembled, Jiang Xiaofei was worried that she would run out.

"Long time no see, you are... a lot bigger." Jiang Xiaofei praised seriously.

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