The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 835: Charm

Qin Feiyang, who was beside Jiang Xiaofei, twitched at the corners of his mouth. If he hadn't heard what she said, he would have thought that he was talking about something serious. It turns out... girls nowadays are so mad?

Looking at's really...

He didn't dare to look any further, he looked away, he was now half a family man.

When Tong Xue heard Jiang Xiaofei's words, she covered her mouth and smiled, and stood up proudly.

"I'm fine, but you, you really should work hard." She leaned closer to Jiang Xiaofei's ear and blinked her eyes, "You can ask President Xu to help you!"

Jiang Xiaofei instantly thought of Xu Yanxiu's dishonest hands when she almost went off the rails a few times, and her face was a little uncomfortable.

"Well, are you trying to cooperate with Grandma Xiang?" Jiang Xiaofei changed the subject, not wanting to talk about the incident just now.

Tong Xue chuckled lightly, apparently seeing through her trick, she leaned into Jiang Xiaofei's ear and slightly hooked her lips: "Sister, it's only natural that men and women love each other, don't be embarrassed, did President Xu not satisfy you?"

He frivolously swept across Jiang Xiaofei in front of Yuexiong.

Sure enough, this was Tong Xue's area of ​​expertise, and Jiang Xiaofei, a layman, was willing to beg for mercy.

Tong Xue raised her neck, indicating that she raised her hand and let her go.

Qin Feiyang was embarrassed to hear it, women are so strong now? He looked at Gao He next to him.

Gao He and Qin Feiyang looked at each other and looked away uncomfortably.

Gao He glanced at the girl she hadn't seen for a long time, but she was still the same.

Sitting in the front row are the cooperating artists of the brand first, and then the stars of various coffee positions.

After Gao Lixia saw Jiang Xiaofei, she was always restless. The whole show was absent-minded, and the camera occasionally swiped. Gao Hanlu looked at Gao Lixia's situation with an ugly face.

"Xiaofei, this is Sister Tong, Sister Tong, this is Xiaofei." Qin Feiyang introduced them to them.

Although he caused a large number of fans to lose his fans because of his illegitimate child, which had a great impact on his reputation, thanks to timely handling and the addition of baby fans, the loss was minimized.

Recently, the company has gradually resumed Qin Feiyang's work. Originally he won the best actor, but now he has taken a big step towards being an actor. Even though he lost a lot of fans, he still has the title of actor. Now the director of the production has a good impression of him. It will not be cornered, and the company will naturally not leave a cash cow in vain and ignore it.

The people in the circle have just stepped on their feet at the beginning, and later they have sold Qin Feiyang a bit of face. Now he just wants to help Jiang Xiaofei broaden his contacts.

"Hello, Sister Tong!" Jiang Xiaofei smiled and stretched out her hand.

"Hello!" Sister Tong looked at Jiang Xiaofei and stretched out her hand.

"Sister Tong is so beautiful today, she really is a fashionista!" Qin Feiyang praised without trace.

"Feiyang's mouth is getting sweeter and poorer now! I'm so embarrassed by such a ready-made beauty beside me!" Sister Tong joked.

"Sister Tong has the charm of a mature woman that ordinary people don't have, which makes me envious." Jiang Xiaofei said, looking at Sister Tong, who was dressed in a classic cheongsam and had a delicate figure.

Like the beauties of the last century in the Xia Kingdom, every move is extremely charming, and it is out of reach for ordinary people.

Sister Tong held a fan to cover her mouth, unable to suppress her smile, "Xiao Fei, your mouth is exactly the same as Feiyang, it makes me happy!"

Sister Tong patted Jiang Xiaofei on the shoulder.

Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang both smiled there.

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