"Come on, the two sides of the video website contacted by Director Gu are in the process of detailed negotiation. As long as the negotiation is completed, it will be arranged immediately."

"By the way, the script of the drama promised by Chengzitai has been sent. The name is "The Eve of the Showdown". The male protagonist is still considering it. Qin Feiyang was the candidate who was interested in the past, but Qin Feiyang was involved in this matter. Now Some are not suitable, they are considering substitutions, and the new candidates are still hesitant, but they will definitely be decided before the start, so don’t worry about this.”

Xie Jin walked to the desk and took the script on it to Jiang Xiaofei.

""The Eve of the Battle"? The name is somewhat similar to that of Dawn's drama." Jiang Xiaofei flipped through it, no wonder it was the same theme.

"Qin Feiyang must change?" Xiaofei asked after capturing what Xie Jin had just said.

"Well, it was only a verbal agreement before. If there is no contract, it is very simple. Even if the contract is signed, the contract can be terminated." Xie Jin understood Chengzitai's decision very well.

Seeing Jiang Xiaofei's thoughtful look, and thinking about the private relationship between Jiang Xiaofei and Qin Feiyang, Xie Jin's heart trembled.

"Little concubine, don't do other things. You helped Qin Feiyang when you participated in "The Arrival of Cute Baby" and shared a lot of firepower for him. His fans still scold you under your thousand questions. Yes, don't do any thankless things."

Thinking of this incident, Xie Jin regretted it. He should not have agreed with the plan at that time. If he did not agree, he would not have been blinded by eye feces and greedy for Qin Feiyang's invitation letter, and Jiang Xiaofei would not have been scolded so badly. , although it has passed, but he still has a heart in his heart.

What he thought was that their little concubine was innocent anyway, and it was nothing to scold for a while, and she would always be innocent, and there would be greater benefits in the future. If there was a chance, they might set foot in the world!

In the end, Jiang Xiaofei was kidnapped! ! !

The regret in Xie Jin's heart, even if Jiang Xiaofei got a lot of benefits by "compensation" in the end, he still sighed in his heart.

Jiang Xiaofei looked at the anxious Xie Jin and smiled: "Brother Jin, aren't you taking Qin Feiyang with you now? It's a bit like a stepfather and stepmother."

Hearing Jiang Xiaofei's ridicule, Xie Jin was candid and gave her a roll, "I was originally the queen, and Shao Qi is the relative. For this half-hearted, it is definitely better to raise it with your own hands!"

"But seriously, you try not to get involved with Qin Feiyang recently. He has calmed down slowly, and his behavior is quite low-key. You are on fire now, and once you get involved, it's easy to be thought of him. things." I'm all for your own good!

Xie Jin's face was all for the two of you.

Of course, only he knows who he is protecting in his heart.

Jiang Xiaofei smiled when she listened to Xie Jin's serious words, saying that she would do it obediently!

Looking at Jiang Xiaofei, who is very popular and popular, thinking about the 'mess' in her hands, Xie Jin sighed in her heart.

After Xie Jin explained, let Jiang Xiaofei take care of it. He still has Qin Feiyang in his hand to deal with. Although he has to keep a low profile, he still needs to control and criticize. Moreover, Jiang Xiaofei is now popular, and this popularity also needs some means. He arranges.

He is very busy!

Jiang Xiaofei was fine, thinking of the welfare of the 20 million fans.

"Bai Su, you said, what should I give out for this benefit?" Jiang Xiaofei thought while resting her chin in her hands.

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