The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 856 20 Million Welfare

Bai Su has made great progress recently. She has made up for a lot of things. She has heard about things big and small. She has also heard a lot about this benefit.

"Last time Ouyang Xiangyi's 50 million fan benefits were a few photos. They were all her home selfies. Her fans all said she had no makeup, but I know it must have been makeup." Bai Su pouted and continued. .

"Wen Jie gave fans her own endorsement products before, as a benefit, Wu Jiangyue held a live broadcast, Yang Jiaojiao was the most arrogant and rich, contact her endorsement products, all half price, only fans can buy, the rest She makes up the money herself, on a first-come, first-served basis..." Bai Su said with bright eyes.

All in all, there are all kinds of welfare forms, it depends on which one you choose, of course the most trouble-free selfie does not matter.

Jiang Xiaofei thought about it seriously, "How about I also start a live broadcast? Just chat with the fans."

Bai Su nodded vigorously on the side, excited, "Okay! There must be a lot of people coming by then!"

The support of the brainless fan Bai Su made Jiang Xiaofei feel that this could be prepared, and she had some ideas in her heart.

"Then you help me and Brother Jin, I'll set a time."


The number of fans has reached 20 million, of course, the sooner the better, strike while the iron is hot.

Xie Jin immediately contacted the live broadcast platform, hung a banner for Jiang Xiaofei, and at the same time posted the link on Qianwen, waiting for the live broadcast time in the evening.

【what? 20 million fan benefits? Before we know it, our little concubine already has 20 million fans! ! ! 】

[Jiang's watch is really coming out every day to brush up on her presence. Isn't it uncomfortable not to be on a hot search for a day? 】

[Hehe, what happened to our little concubine's fan benefits and next to you, does it have anything to do with you? 】

[It doesn't matter, Jiang Nvbiao comes out every day and takes up public resources, which makes me feel disgusted. 】

[It's just that Jiang Xiaofei has been moving every day recently, she looks tired and crooked, and she understands her desire to be popular. Is it a control point? 】

[Besides, the neighbor just posted 50 million fan benefits a few days ago, and the movement is not as big as Jiang Xiaofei...]

[Get rid of the upstairs to find fault, please change your name? How many years have you been in the entertainment industry before you have 50 million fans? Our little concubine is still a newcomer, thank you! 】

[Please be happy for the toffees, don't pay attention to the sunspots, and avoid them jumping around, Jiang Xiaofei is the most beautiful, and Jiang Xiaofei is the best! 】

The online noise is in full swing, looking at Jiang Xiaofei's momentum, there are always people who want to go up and add more fire.

Xie Jin frowned at the comments on the Internet, "Let people continue to criticize and suppress bad comments."

Jiang Xiaofei's fire was too fast, blocking the way of many people. All kinds of things were able to be passed safely before, all relying on Jiang Xiaofei's popularity and face fans, of course, Jiang Xiaofei really had a clear conscience.

But now that he is being guided by others and is destroying the sense of passersby step by step, Xie Jin is a little worried.

What do you like the most about? Win glory for the country and make contributions to the country!

Xie Jin had a flash of inspiration, and immediately contacted Jiang Xiaofei for public welfare activities, public service advertisements and public welfare promotions.

Mo Fenghua returned to the country early. After watching Jiang Xiaofei leave, he left the banquet, changed clothes, bought tickets, and returned with a group of people.

At that time, there might have been a moment of unbearableness, but I thought of being overwhelmed by the benefits I was about to get and the stumbling blocks I stepped on.

She has been staying at home for the past few days, and suddenly she was stunned when she saw the news of Jiang Xiaofei.

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