Is she okay, or is she... cheered up?

Mo Fenghua was a little uncertain, and there was no news from Jiang Xiaofei. After all, no one would know about this kind of thing.

Mo Fenghua picked up the phone and called the person who contacted him.



There was no one to answer, and I was a little flustered.

People who didn't have time to answer the phone have already been arrested by Xu Yanxiu's people. Country F is not as strict as the domestic investigation, and Xu Yanxiu's contacts were quickly caught.

Even the Steve they were courting overturned. Naturally, this group of people couldn't do anything, and they explained everything obediently.

"Forgive me, I really don't dare, it's really because Steve fell in love with that young lady and we did it, and I don't dare anymore..."

"Please forgive me, I will never dare!"

Several people were hung from the wall with bruised noses and swollen eyes, crying.

Excuse me? That's impossible, but it won't kill anyone either. They are good people who obey the law, and they still need to be taught a lesson.

When will the lesson be taught? wait!

Xu Yanxiu naturally knew that Mo Fenghua had interfered with Jiang Xiaofei, checked the information to know this woman, and told Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei was silent for a long time, asking Xu Yanxiu not to do anything, she would handle it herself.

How can people be so bad? Jiang Xiaofei looked out the window. Has the friction between her and Mo Fenghua reached this level? Jiang Xiaofei asked herself.

After thinking about it, he simply put it aside and ignored it, preparing for the live broadcast at night with peace of mind.

On Mo Fenghua's side, he was a little trembling, his arms crossed his chest, and Mo Fenghua felt the cold in the air-conditioned room.

Just made a lot of calls, without exception, no one answered at all.

At first, Mo Fenghua might have thought that this person wanted to default on his debts, and he asked the relationship to find the contact information of several other people.

She was finally a little flustered.

When the assistant saw Mo Fenghua's appearance, he hurriedly contacted the agent for fear of an accident.

As soon as the agent arrived, he saw Mo Fenghua like this.

"Fenghua? What's wrong with you? I have already contacted you about the drama you mentioned last time. They are very satisfied with you and said that auditions will be arranged soon, and I have contacted D's for luxury brands. They are treating you now. I'm quite satisfied, and if we continue to maintain it, we may establish a partnership." The agent approached cautiously.

Mo Fenghua heard the voice and looked over, revealing an ugly smile.

"I seem to have done something wrong."

The agent groaned at Mo Fenghua's appearance, and asked the assistant to go out.

After the assistant left, he looked at Mo Fenghua, "What's the matter, let's solve it together."

Know earlier, deal with earlier, better control! The agent looked at her.

Mo Fenghua told the agent about the matter, including the benefits that the group of people gave him before, letting him calculate about Jiang Xiaofei, and the fact that he could not contact anyone now.

The agent frowned more and more tightly, "Confused!"

It's too confusing to actually do such a thing, and that's all you need to do to hide your little braids.

Hearing what Mo Fenghua said, the agent also knew about it.

No matter what he thought in his heart, he remained calm on the face, "Leave this matter to me, I'll go there to explore, you can work in peace."

"Yeah." Mo Fenghua nodded, as if he hadn't come out of his emotions just now.

The assistant outside stared wide-eyed, tightly covering his mouth, trembling all over.

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