The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 880 Comparison

It wasn't until she sat down that Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, but it was a pity that she was relieved too early.

As soon as the two walked the red carpet, a comparison picture of the two was hung on Qianwen.

There are all kinds of glamorous pressure, spike... and so on. The two people have all kinds of comparisons from makeup, hair, clothing, to body, and the details are incredible.

Where there is a hot spot, there is a media, even if there is no ready-made, they can't create it themselves?

Look at Gao He getting closer to De Lu Jin, what does this mean? The two of them achieved a positive result, but because they were at the peak of their careers, it was inconvenient to make them public. In order not to make his girlfriend jealous, Gao He deliberately avoided Jiang Xiaofei.

Gao He avoided suspicion.

Jiang Xiaofei had a bad temper, and even Gao He, who had always had a good temper, avoided her.


The Magnolia Award itself is a big TV series award. In addition to its own popularity and who wins, it is the red carpet competition every time, and the deep-level information excavated from the expressions and actions of various stars.

[Jiang Xiaofei wears Grandma Xiang's classic small fragrance dress, and Lu Jin wears the spring limited edition of D's family. Which of the two is better? 】

[Jiang Xiaofei is beautiful! As long as the eyes are not blind, they can see it, okay? The three stood together, Jiang Xiaofei was like the head mistress of a big family, dignified, elegant, and calm. Gao He was an elegant family head immersed in the sea of ​​beauties. Although she preferred concubines, she always respected the mistress, Lu Jinze She is a concubine who is somewhat colorful and pitiful. The color is just right, and she is the white moonlight in the heart of the head of the family. 】

[cao~ Suddenly I feel so incisive, how can I break it? 】

[Toffee is coming, Xiaofei looks good! Miss Lu Jin is also very beautiful, the two are different types of good-looking, there is no high or low Thank you! 】

【Both of them are very beautiful! Please don't hold each other, if you think who is particularly beautiful, please be beautiful alone, thank you! 】

[Hehe, Lu Jin Jingye didn't say, as an actor, please pay attention to acting and dedication, don't compare with others, your face will eventually grow old, and the rest will last your whole life. 】

When Toffee comes on stage again, each team is responsible for different sections, try not to cause trouble for the main lord, and beware of being rhythmized by others, but don't be afraid of anything! Don't be cowardly!

When passers-by see the comparison between the two, they will express their opinions according to their own ideas, and Jiang Xiaofei is too colorful. As soon as they see it, they will know who is better. There is no suspense. Although some people prefer Lu Jin, it is not allowed Don't be fair.

Fans of Jiang Xiaofei who have been praised are happy in their hearts, but they still have to say in a serious manner that they are both good-looking and make the comment area look better, so as to save the fight.

Lu Jin's fans are a little suffocated, what can they do? Jiang Xiaofei's fans have already said that they are all good-looking, let everyone not argue, what can they do? Regardless of saying that Lu Jin is better looking?

It's weird not to be sprayed to death if you send it out like this, you can only find another way to praise Lu Jin's acting skills and dedication.

This is also Lu Jin's advantage. He has been in the circle for many years, but he has always been very dedicated and has good acting skills. He has been praised by many co-actors and directors.

Fans of Jiang Xiaofei go to brush, please pay attention to several new dramas to be broadcast by Jiang Xiaofei, and sell them cute.

As for the relationship between Gao He, Lu Jin, and Jiang Xiaofei, as well as the scandals between Gao He and Lu Jin, they don't care about their affairs, and they can eat melon by the way.

[Lao Gao has always been single, okay? He said that if there is a situation, he will not hide it from the fans, and we will thank you. 】

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