The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 881 Weakness

[Lao Gao is not the kind of character who hides and tucks away, he will say anything as long as there is news, so don't guess! 】

[After watching "The World of Beauty", I think the two of them are really compatible. I hope that the main master will be together. I am very excited to see the analysis on the Internet, but I know Gao He, as he said, if there is news, he will definitely I will tell the fans that I won't do it secretly, so everyone should leave. Those who want to hit the CP can go to the two's CP fans to chat. 】

[yxh don't talk nonsense, Miss Lu Jin said that she has been busy with her career in the past few years and can't talk about feelings. 】

【Can you not take pictures? ? Out of context? The complete one has been uploaded #2#¥, Gao He Mingming and Jiang Xiaofei have a good relationship, right? The two have worked together before, and they have a good relationship. 】

There are various disputes on the Internet, but the parties are somewhat harmonious.

This time the seats are Gao He, Lu Jin, Jiang Xiaofei, Jiang Xiaofei and Lu Jin are next to each other.

The weather in April is still quite cold, especially at night. It is not inferior to winter at all. The lowest temperature tonight is only 8 degrees.

The Magnolia Awards were set up outside the venue, which made it difficult for these artists. Fortunately, there was no wind.

Jiang Xiaofei's physique is good, plus she has internal strength, it's nothing to do in the winter, not to mention that it's a trivial matter now, and she's very calm.

Gao He was wearing a men's dress, long trousers and long sleeves, and he could bear some stuff in it.

After Lu Jin walked the red carpet, she couldn't stand it anymore.

She works very hard. She has been busy for a year without touching the ground, and she can't keep up with eating and resting.

In addition to the menstrual period, I was injured by cold water in the winter. Now, once the menstrual period is over, it is a big project, and it hurts to straighten my waist.

It must be relieved by taking good care of it, but she is unwilling. The golden age of an actress is only a few years. If you don't work hard at this time, do you wait until the flowering period is over before starting? Just kept dragging.

Jiang Xiaofei noticed her problem. As soon as she sat down, she bent over and grabbed the clothes in her lower abdomen with her hand. She had lipstick on her mouth and makeup on her face, but she couldn't see anything. The patience in his eyes and the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead made people look sideways.

At this time, all the artists in the venue had to be graceful and not warm, and they all shivered so hard, how could they sweat.

Gao He also noticed and frowned.

He asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." He smiled weakly.

This time, she and her agent have both analyzed it, and they won't win the award, just come and sit in the seat for a while, bear with it...

Jiang Xiaofei looked at the person biting her lip and moved her fingers slightly.

Although Lu Jin collaborated with himself in a play and participated in variety shows, he has always been a nodding acquaintance, only a little better than strangers.

Although it is not as good as Yang Jiaojiao, Tong Xue and others, it is more than a little bit better than those who do little things behind their backs.

Especially in the case of Lian Piao Piao before, being able to bring people out decisively also has its own bottom line.

Jiang Xiaofei thought about it and handed it over.

Looking at the jade hand beside him, Lu Jin looked over.

"Cough! My hands are very warm, so help you warm."

Jiang Xiaofei was a little embarrassed, her eyes were full of clarity, she was simply helping.

Lu Jin looked at the hand, and then at the owner of the hand.

"Do not……"

Want to say no.

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