【Is it true? what happened. 】

A group of people flocked to Jiang Xiaofei to ask Qianwen, and even Xie Jin and Bai Su's Qianwen accounts were not spared.

Bai Su looked at the question that was a little stuck and asked Xie Jin for help.

"Brother Jin, I have a thousand questions." She didn't know whether to be happy or a little sad.

After all, Qianwen was a bit stuck because of the large influx of people. This was the first time that many artists did not necessarily have this treatment. She was quite proud as Xiaofei's number one assistant.

"Wait, I'll ask Jiang Xiaofei what's going on." Xie Jin stared at his Qianwen.

Needless to say, he was also blocked, and even Bai Su, a small artist, was blocked. Naturally, he was a real agent.

"Little Concubine, Qian Wen, have you read it, what's going on?" Xie Jin went straight to the point.

Sitting together with Xu Yanxiu, Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu received a call from Xie Jin and felt that she was indeed an agent, and she responded quickly!

The two of them just saw that Jiang Xiaofei also made fun of Xu Yanxiu's disabled boyfriend, and Xie Jin's call came.

"Look, that's what you saw." Jiang Xiaofei blinked her eyes, holding her phone very well.

"What do you want to do?" Xie Jinmo wrote his forehead squinting.

"It's just something I did easily, no matter who I am, I will save it." When Jiang Xiaofei was saving people, she felt that it was a life, and she couldn't watch him leave.

I don't want the nature of this thing to change...

"...Okay! I know how to do it."

Xie Jin was silent for a while before making a statement.

As an agent, based on Jiang Xiaofei's opinions and attitudes, he immediately came up with a more suitable plan for her.

Maybe it's more attractive to be as light as a chrysanthemum than a storm!

"Bai Su! You are responsible for comforting and guiding the fans. Xiaofei is simply saving people. She doesn't want to let this matter go bad. Do you know what to do?"

"I know!" Bai Su nodded.

"Jiang Ye, go and contact the public relations department to avoid someone taking the rhythm of Hei Xiaofei."

"Okay! I'll go right away."

Xie Jin himself sent a thousand questions.

[Xie Jin: I just confirmed with the artist that the person inside is indeed a little concubine, but she doesn’t want to make it public. As she said, when this happens, everyone lends a helping hand. Please pay attention to the little concubine. Concubine's new drama! "The Eve of the Finals" has been completed, so stay tuned! 】

Xie Jin slightly changed what Jiang Xiaofei had just said to him.

[Please pay attention to Xiaofei's new drama "The Eve of the Final", as she said, she will reach out when she encounters such a thing. 】

[People are beautiful and kind-hearted, Concubine Jiang! How can I break my pride as a toffee~]

[No wonder the figure and temperament of the person inside are a little familiar, it turns out to be Jiang Xiaofei! 】

[Jiang Xiaofei doesn't say that she has such a temperament. Mosaic can tell that she is not ordinary, but Jiang Xiaofei is really flat this month. I can't laugh or cry. Some people ridiculed it before and thought it was a bit exaggerated. Now...]

[Hmph, how can you sweep the world without sweeping a house, how can you make the world peaceful if you are not in peace in a month! 】

[Suddenly, I like Jiang Xiaofei a little bit. One can see how she is from her daily life. Jiang Xiaofei's personal behavior in private is very admirable! If nothing else, at least I don't have the courage to save people regardless of myself. The landlord is too timid to explain. 】

[It's normal to be timid and afraid of death, so I admire Jiang Xiaofei. 】

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