The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 919 Wanyuan Electronics Young Owner

An official in XX city also sent a message to thank Jiang Xiaofei for her courageous actions.

The parents of the rescued did not know Jiang Xiaofei's identity at first, but after they found out, they tried to contact Jiang Xiaofei to express their gratitude.

Also sent a thank you.

[Day ~ Have you seen the thank you message from the parents of the rescued little boy? That one seems to be from Wanyuan Electronics' young owner...]

【No need to seem, that is! The young owner of Wanyuan Electronics and his wife grew up together as childhood sweethearts. 】

[Awesome, my concubine, as soon as I saved it, I saved a child with status and status. 】

[When Xiao Fei rescued people, she didn't know who it was, thank you! And just like Xiao Fei said, no matter who it is, she will save it. 】

[Always speculate on others with the greatest malice... Balabala...]

After all, Jiang Xiaofei did a good job. She saved people and left without leaving her name. Even if someone blackmailed her again, she had to be careful, otherwise it would easily arouse the resentment of netizens all of a sudden.

So no matter how gnashing some people are, there is nothing they can do about Jiang Xiaofei.

And what happened to Xu Yanxiu's limping made a group of people curious, but they didn't have the guts to ask.

Someone dared to send private letters to Jiang Xiaofei and Xie Jin, asking about the truth about Xu Yanxiu's limping.

Jiang Xiaofei usually does not read too many private messages.

Do Xie Jin and Bai Su have the courage to ask? Of course not! So if you see it, you don't see it.

However, in their hearts, they were also a little curious about this matter, waiting for Jiang Xiaofei to have a chance to ask.

Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu had already been recognized, and Lin Mo had also been dug out. They could only be careful just in case.

After playing here for another day, everyone went back.

Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yan reunited in Jiangzhou.

Lin Mo took his new partner Xia Jinchao and a follower to the imperial capital.

Ji Rui and Anna decided to stay here for a few more days.

"Little Concubine! You actually got a tan!" Xie Jin stared at Jiang Xiaofei's completely different complexion from before, wide-eyed in disbelief.

When he left, he clearly told him to remember to use sunscreen, and to reapply every two hours.

Seeing this, it is obvious that he did not take his words to heart! ! !

Xie Jin said he was very angry.

"Cough cough cough! Brother Jin, I have put on sunscreen, the sun is too big to be useless." Jiang Xiaofei looked at Xie Jin innocently.

She applied sunscreen, but it was too troublesome for an hour or two, and she could ignore it after playing outside, so she didn't apply sunscreen as diligently.

Natural skin is also damaged a lot...

Hmph╯^╰ Xie Jin didn't want to see Jiang Xiaofei's face, although Jiang Xiaofei's complexion could kill everyone at once when pulled in front of a normal person, but! This complexion is incomparable to Jiang Xiaofei's cold white skin before.

Xie Jin felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

"Bai Su! I'll give her to you, and you will immediately take her for maintenance, the full set, and the most expensive one! Let her quickly restore me to the way she was before."

"Okay Brother Jin! Make sure to complete the mission!"

Jiang Xiaofei looked at Bai Su and Jiang Ye who were waiting for her, and Xie Jin with a sullen face. She could only be obedient and was taken care of by Bai Su.

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