Feng Dao put his hand on the table and tapped it twice, looking at Jiang Xiaofei seriously, "Can I ask Miss Jiang why she looked at the third prince in that way?"

Shen Qinghuan, played by Jiang Xiaofei, did not see the love for her husband at all in her eyes, but complained or expressed some hatred, some of which were different from what everyone understood.

The instructor also reacted, no wonder she felt that something was wrong.

"Yes, Miss Jiang has changed here?"

"Yeah! According to the script, it can be found that Shen Qinghuan is very smart, and even compared with the heroine Fanghua, she is not inferior at all. Such a smart woman may be blinded by love at first, but from Shen Qinghuan's performance later, I know that She's smart, she's knowledgeable about current affairs, and most importantly, she's a person who likes and hates clearly, but something changed later.

I think the third prince's feelings for her have been noticed since she married, but I still have fantasies in my heart. After a series of incidents happened to her beloved father, mother and siblings, Shen Qinghuan had a good relationship with them. May not feel it.

Especially what Shen Qinghuan said when he said goodbye to his mother: If I didn't know him, wouldn't it be the current situation?

It can be seen that she regrets it, but she calmed down slowly afterward, not rushing to the third prince when she first entered the door, I think she has been shaken.

When an accident happens at my uncle's house, she is smart and will be bewitched by love for so many relatives, but such a person will calm down, so I use some complaints and a little bit of hatred to deal with the last look. "

The judges looked at Feng Dao, and they seemed to have no problem with it, and it seemed to make sense?

Feng Dao looked at Jiang Xiaofei and was silent for a long time.

Looking at Jiang Xiaofei for a while, she smiled, "Not bad! Miss Jiang can leave now. If there is a follow-up notice, I will contact your agent!"

Feng Dao chases people away if he doesn't agree.

This made Jiang Xiaofei and the judges next to her confused.

When Jiang Xiaofei left, she hadn't figured it out yet.

"Let's go!" As soon as Jiang Xiaofei came out, everyone attracted attention, Xie Jin stepped forward and handed her the things and took her away.

"How's it going?" Xie Jin couldn't help but ask after not too far away.

Jiang Xiaofei shook her head.

"No?" Xie Jin smiled in a blink of an eye, "It's okay! It just happens that you don't have to hurry, you have lost weight during this time."

"do not know."


Jiang Xiaofei took Xie Jin's gaze: "I don't know how."

Hehehe, "That's fine, let's go back first, have a good rest in the afternoon, and we'll be filming tomorrow!"

Xie Jin looked at Jiang Xiaofei's appearance, and he didn't have a clue in his heart. If he didn't pass it, he would not pass it. Anyway, Jiang Xiaofei is not bad at this scene now, and some scripts are looking for her.

But one day later, Xie Jin received a call from the crew of "The Legend of Youth" and asked him to sign a contract.

Looking at the innocent-looking man, Xie Jin glared at him with a beard.

As Jiang Xiaofei thought, the last heroine of "The Legend of Youth" is Mo Fenghua.

In fact, the crew also discussed it for a long time. After all, Fang Xiaomo and Mo Fenghua are quite suitable.

Even Fang Xiaomo has an advantage over Mo Fenghua because she is young! Although Mo Fenghua needs acting skills and acting skills, he needs to have good looks.

But after all, he is in his thirties. No matter how good his acting skills are, some things are always different after that age. It is easy to say that he is old, but it is difficult to be young.

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