There were many people who suggested Mo Fenghua and that Fang Xiaomo. In the end, everyone unanimously decided to decide on Mo Fenghua. After all, an actress with the title of actress is much better than a Xiaobai who has just entered the circle. 's fan group and background...

Fang Xiaomo was brushed off, but it was probably because the crew was cherishing talent. The crew gave her the role of the female No. 4, and they took over.

"Little Concubine, you succeeded in your audition. The second female lead is yours, and... the female lead is Mo Fenghua." Xie Jin looked at her.

Jiang Xiaofei nodded calmly, and suddenly remembered the girl who made her eyes shine, "Brother Jin, do you know Fang Xiaomo?"

Xie Jin shook his head, "Who?"

"A newcomer who auditioned with Mo Fenghua should look very good. If you have time, help me pay attention." Jiang Xiaofei curled her lips and smiled.

This is the same type of beauty as Mo Fenghua, and it can add a lot to her. Although the final heroine is not that Fang Xiaomo, it doesn't matter even if it is Mo Fenghua!

"Okay!" Xie Jin should come down.

If he doesn't agree, Jiang Xiaofei still doesn't know what to do to find out, it's better if he agrees to save her from stabbing.

"Breakout is about to be broadcast, so in addition to filming recently, you have to take some time to run the promotion of "Breakout". I have discussed with Director Meng and the others, and try to arrange for you to be nearby, so you don't need to run too much. Far."

"Breakthrough is going to be broadcast? Didn't it say that it would be broadcast in October? Why should the publicity start now?" Jiang Xiaofei was a little puzzled.

It's only more than July, and it's still early from October, so it's not right to start now.

"The time has been changed, and it will be broadcast in late August, so we are starting to promote it now. Because the change is fast, this promotion is still quite tight. You can only work harder."

"..." Jiang Xiaofei frowned, looking at Xie Jin.

Xie Jin glanced at her and told her what he knew, "It's not a big deal, it's just that the above is anxious for the next recruiting job, just remembered this drama, and brought it up, but the above also promised, wait. It can be rebroadcasted on national television in October, which is considered compensation."

The above is escorted, and if there is any need, it will naturally come out first.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaofei nodded.

"Well, I will coordinate with the "Breakthrough" side and the current crew here, and the province's progress will not catch up."

Jiang Xiaofei was in a hurry to enter "The Legend of Youth", and the progress could not be left behind, so Xie Jin could not relax at all.

"Brother Jin worked hard." Jiang Xiaofei looked at Xie Jin with a smile.

"If you know that I'm working hard, make more food to make up for it. I refuse to accept your lip service!" Xie Jin rolled her eyes at her.

Jiang Xiaofei promised that after this period of time, she would cook a big meal for Xie Jin, and Xie Jin spared her.

The eyes of Bai Su next to him were so hot.

"Little Concubine, when the time comes, I'll help you do some work and wash the dishes, can you let me have a few bites too?"

The humble Baisu is online.

Jiang Ye couldn't bear to look directly at Bai Su, who had dog-legged eyes.

Jiang Xiaofei couldn't help laughing all of a sudden, "Pfft—"

"Eat as much as you want, without you having to beat your hands and wash the dishes."

Looking at Bai Su with some joy.

"Let's go out first, call us if you have something to do." Jiang Ye didn't look at it, and dragged Bai Su out.

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