"This matter..." Xie Jin took Qiao with a long voice, and just about to find a reason to move, he raised his head and glanced at it, ah, the boss of the solution is here! "Well, isn't the person who will solve the problem here?"

Xie Jin's chin clicked on the people walking by on the boulevard over there, and motioned for Jiang Xiaofei to look.

Jiang Xiaofei saw Feng Dao walking towards her at a glance.

Jiang Xiaofei clapped her hands, straightened her clothes, and hurriedly read the script. She was a well-informed, hard-working and beautiful girl!

She was working hard when there was a lot of noise.

Look hard! Pretending to be very good.

"What are you doing?" Feng Dao shouted in a high voice.

"If you have nothing to do, go to the logistics department to help! If you have enough food, you have nothing to do! It's all gone, ready to film!"

After Feng Dao finished speaking, he took the people away, without the slightest nostalgia, as if he was being held here.

This group of people is in a hurry every day, and they feel uncomfortable if they don't do something.

The woman who had been crying was also supported by others, and then left when Feng Dao left.

Mo Fenghua couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Jiang Xiaofei's expression as if she was watching the excitement, and that expression seemed to wish her to fight.

When I see people I don't want to see, I feel even worse.

Even conspiracy theories have pinned this incident on Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei: I am wronged~

Because Youranju lacked the chef, as soon as Jiang Xiaofei left, the door closed at the appointed time. Su Xuanxuan was still there, guarding Youranju, but Youranju maintained a brand new look.

"Little Fatty, why aren't you open here anymore? What about the girl from before? Isn't her boss always helping you when you're not free?"

It is sad for some people that Leisure House is locked up. They have money in their hands and spare time, but they like to eat a couple of bites. Although Sun Meili's meals are incomparable to Jiang Xiaofei's, they have only learned a small part of the taste. Don't count on the rest.

Now there is no such thing as second-class. How good is it.

"Xuanxuan, don't you have another girl? What about that person? Why haven't you seen each other these days."

Although it is not open for business now, there are many regular customers in Leuran. In their spare time, many people come to the door, some want to eat, and some are just used to it. They come here when they walk. Everyone still likes it here. .

"The previous one left, so the opening time is not fixed in the future, but in the future, Sister Xiaofei will make time to cook."

The regulars were half happy and half worried.

Su Xuanxuan knows how to be a person. She doesn't open a business but can get in, so she prepares the scented tea that Jiang Xiaofei had prepared before, and while chatting, she continues to publicize the craftsmanship of their little concubine.

Except for the little concubine, everyone else is pirated, and they are all garbage!

Although it was not said that way, everyone heard the voice-over.

Su Xuanxuan also took great pains to prepare in advance for the upcoming events.

After all, Sun Meili's current boss is not honest, how could she have dug up the person of Sister Xiaofei without saying anything.

She will definitely jump up when she has a chance in the future. What she is doing now is to ambush things in advance and talk about it later.

Su Xuanxuan and Jiang Xiaofei have had a good time these days.

The least moisturizing is Sun Meimei.

Sun Meili came with good craftsmanship. When she first came, she was always the first, but sweetheart disliked the high price. Not only did things for making things are expensive, but also some miscellaneous items had to be bought back.

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