At first, I thought that the food would be more delicious. Later, I tried the low-flavor version and felt that it was not much different. I began to compress the ingredients, and the quality of the ingredients was also reduced to create the greatest value with the least cost.

Sun Meili discussed with Sweetheart a lot for this. She had been with Jiang Xiaofei and knew that there was a big difference between subtle differences, but how could Sweetheart listen to her? Later, she was impatient and excused herself from seeing her.

Sun Meili was also run on by the original cook, and she had a miserable life, but everything was chosen by herself, and she had to go on crying. After all, there is still a house to pay off the loan.

Sweetheart only paid the down payment at the time, and she had to pay back the rest of the money.

And her younger brother and younger sister have already lived in...

It didn't take long for Jiang Xiaofei to feel comfortable here, and Mo Fenghua became a moth. After all, Mo Fenghua stayed in this circle much longer than Jiang Xiaofei. This little trick will be dealt with quickly.

The woman who pretended to be weak and touched porcelain Mo Fenghua last time was properly handled by Mo Fenghua's manager. Now that she sees her, she will detour. The rest of the people are also kind and generous, and the atmosphere of the crew is unprecedentedly good.

The good thing is Mo Fenghua, not Jiang Xiaofei. Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaofei secretly sighed, this fighting ability is not good, it was easily solved by others, can you be firmer? Work hard!

Since the others were dying, Jiang Xiaofei decided to play by herself.

Although it is better to use other people's hands, so that nothing will be pushed to her, and the feeling of the military advisor behind her is very good.

Jiang Xiaofei was too busy, all kinds of small tactics had been used, Jiang Xiaofei decided to attack from the front, and planned to give her a blow in the area she was most proud of.

Jiang Xiaofei, who has just crossed her novice career, still has a long way to go, but she has a big guide behind her. After the play, she will make a video and let Teacher Liu give her a small stove.

Jiang Xiaofei also sent a few jars of medicinal wine and fruit wine, and her relationship with Teacher Liu went further. Teacher Liu naturally agreed to such a little thing, and she also agreed to do so for that little wine.

He is not too young, and his body is often itchy and painful. He drinks some medicinal wine and feels comfortable. When he is at this age, he thinks about living comfortably for a longer time.

The effect of Jiang Xiaofei's small stove is quite good, and Teacher Liu more or less knows Jiang Xiaofei's thoughts and does not stop her.

This is the way this circle is. Either he has the upper hand or he is at a disadvantage. He and Jiang Xiaofei are half-master-apprentice relationship, so he naturally hopes her to be well, so he also subtly gives her a quick improvement, some secret tricks and robbing scenes. The means are given in full.

Thinking that he also stayed in this circle back then, and experienced all these things, the experience passed down by the predecessors is still very useful.

the next day.

"In the clothing area, change the queen to a more domineering outfit. This is not good, and there is makeup. Change it! This is not good, the queen is majestic and not mean!"

Feng Dao frowned at Jiang Xiaofei's clothes and makeup.

If he almost doesn't say anything, what the hell is this?

At a young age, the queen dressed her in a black-gray dress and accompanied her with a furry cloak. If he remembered correctly, this should be the queen's dress in her later years.

And makeup, what is the original little face painted like? Like a mean woman!

It doesn't reflect Shen Qinghuan's temperament and personality at all.

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