[According to reliable sources, the female one and two females of a large-scale costume TV series recently had a feud, and there was a lot of trouble in the crew, and the two sides had a contest for more than ten days, including changing the play, bringing screenwriters into the crew, various For etc., the atmosphere of the crew was unprecedentedly chaotic. 】

[Informed sources recounted that the crew of "XX Biography", one woman and two girls were torn apart, and the director had to deal with the mud because of the two, which greatly affected the order of the crew. 】

[It is reported that xxx actresses bring their own screenwriters into the group, in order to change the role at any time, this affects the progress of other people to a certain extent. 】

[The second most hardcore female in history, not afraid of the heroine, face to face...]

There are many people in the crew, and it is inevitable that people will talk a lot. Even if it is due to the non-disclosure agreement, they will reveal something more or less.

The public audition organized before "Youth" was huge, and everyone still remembers it fresh.

At that time, media reporters interviewed many female stars and suppressed many people.

In the end, the winners were Mo Fenghua and Jiang Xiaofei, which shocked some people, but it was reasonable.

The two feel that one is a powerful actress and the other is a popular female star. Although the two are not the same type, they are undoubtedly the one with great energy.

Suddenly, the matter of the two of them challenging each other was on the hot search, which made people a little surprised and surprised.

However, everyone still believed it a little bit. There were photos and a few blurry videos in it. Although the effect was not good, you could see what the content was.

[Impossible, Xiaofei has a good temper, and the actors who work with her have not said that she is not good, and many have become friends with her. 】

[Of course, Xiao Fei has always been someone who doesn’t commit crimes against me, and I don’t commit crimes. Just like the previous thing about Zhuzhu, when I went directly to it, I was excited and excited, and it was very peaceful to ordinary people, which was very good. 】

【Jiang Xiaofei? Can a small traffic match our elegance? 】

[When Fenghua was in the entertainment industry, Jiang Xiaofei probably didn't know where to get milk, hehehe, it's really promising, and she was speechless against her predecessors. 】

Fans of Mo Fenghua naturally have their own sources of news, and they naturally know how to distinguish between true and false for this kind of thing.

This fact is true, making them angry and unreasonable when they see it.

Are young people like this now? No respect for seniors at all, arrogance, publicity...

Many of Mo Fenghua's fans have accompanied her all the way, and they are naturally not very young. They are basically in the 30s and 40s.

This age group is the best age for a person, with knowledge, experience, ability, maturity and a little bit of self-confidence.

In their eyes, Mo Fenghua and Jiang Xiaofei are naturally a hundred and eighty thousand miles apart, but now these two are actually on the same page.

Jiang Xiaofei's fans still remember what Mo Fenghua did before.

Before, because Jiang Xiaofei was a newcomer, they were criticized and targeted a lot at the beginning of the incident with Yiren.

It was very hard during that time, but thanks to the help of Xiaofei, it was clarified, and Yiren also came out to apologize, and the matter came to an end.

but! They still remember the shameless old goblin.

New and old grudges, come together!

The toffees are not afraid of anyone now, and they are not afraid of Mo Fenghua at all. There is some smoke on the Internet for a while.

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