[Hehe, probably, when Miss Mo was in the entertainment industry, our little concubine was likely to be breastfeeding elsewhere. After all, teens are not white, and if they were left behind, they might be our little concubine's mother! 】

【ah! Our little concubine is an orphan now, don't let anything fragrant and stinky come here! 】

[Believe in Xiaofei, everything we Xiaofei does is well-founded. As for... People who don't believe in Xiaofei have been slapped in the face... I still like this face, and I don't want to give up for the time being. . 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, don’t say that our little concubine doesn’t respect the senior, respect is okay, at least this senior should be respected, the previous teachers did not say what our little concubine was like, but they all praised, but this senior is here Something happened, (ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~]

[You can go and see last year's Yiren incident again. I really saw the seniors who are 'capable and virtuous'. It's really great~ I don't hesitate to start with newcomers, don't say anything. , everyone is not a fool can see it, please judge for yourself! White eyes. 】

[Beating gongs and drums, come over and see how 'bright and upright' the seniors of 'high morals' have done! #%Link#】

Mo Fenghua's fans pinched Jiang Xiaofei and disrespected her senior. Jiang Xiaofei's fans started with the words "senior" and "respect" to see if this senior is worthy of respect.

The effect is not bad. Last year, the things that Mo Fenghua's team finally suppressed were pulled out again, and even the exposure of Yiren was greatly increased.

Of course, the effect is double. Some people think that this brand is so good that it can attract two female stars to fight. Of course, they have to sell one to see how it goes.

Others feel that what one person does is inauthentic, and a brand must have its entrepreneurial spirit to do well. What does this spirit of Yiren do? Could it be a slippery play? Simply say goodbye to Yiren.

Yiren's current spokesperson is still Mo Fenghua, who hastily contacted him, what the hell is going on! Isn't this thing already over, how to grind it out and take it out, there is still no end to it.

Although Mo Fenghua has an advantage, the disadvantage is also obvious. Jiang Xiaofei's fans are pinching what Mo Fenghua is doing, saying that she does not have the demeanor of her predecessors and is not worthy of respect...

Jiang Xiaofei has Xie Jin over there, Xie Jin is also busy with public relations, the agent is too busy to drink, and the main character is filming leisurely in the crew.

Occasionally eat a small watermelon, drink a small juice, and lie on a lounge chair in the shade of a tree.

Feng Dao looked at the news on the Internet with a dark face.

"Check it out for me! Let's see who leaked the news of the crew! Fire me! No, find a lawyer! I'll report hard, do you really think my crew is for gossip?" Feng Dao put the phone on the table Throw it away and have someone check it out.

It's okay for them to quarrel, but don't affect the crew, this is something Feng Dao cannot tolerate.

However, Jiang Xiaofei and Mo Fenghua were no longer at fault, but he didn't listen! He just got angry.

"Also, let Jiang Xiaofei and Mo Fenghua come over." These two are not worry-free masters. The matter comes from them, and the solution naturally starts from them.

The assistant director called someone to go.

Jiang Xiaofei and Mo Fenghua have not changed their costumes yet. It is not easy to wear them in summer. The multi-layered clothes are so thick that they collapse easily.

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