The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 966 Sophistry

The coincidence that the two of them came, happened to meet, Mo Fenghua's face towards Jiang Xiaofei was not a nose or a nose.

She believed that if Mo Fenghua was taller than her, he would have turned his face to the sky and looked at her with his nostrils.

Jiang Xiaofei used to greet Senior Mo in a hypocritical manner, but now she is happy and at ease.

The two knocked on the door, and Feng Dao let them in and said business directly.

"You are here, you should know why I am looking for you, right?" He stared at the faces of the two of them, not letting go of their slightest changes.

Mo Fenghua glanced at Feng Dao and Jiang Xiaofei, but did not speak.

Jiang Xiaofei had a smile on her face, admiring her slender fingers, but didn't mean to answer. Isn't this senior standing here? If she, this junior, talks casually, will she hold on to this matter?

"..." Feng Dao's words fell, the whole office fell into silence, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"I know you must have read the news on the Internet. Tell me, what are your thoughts! Jiang Xiaofei? Tell me." Feng Dao looked at the two, one with a calm face and the other with a smile.

This time, the wind director called people directly, so as not to fall into silence like before.

Jiang Xiaofei's hand paused and she looked up at Feng Dao, "Me."

"Yes, tell me."

Jiang Xiaofei smiled and said generously, "I think my fans are right. I have a good temper. Typical people don't offend me and I don't offend others."

Her fans also said that Mo Fenghua is not a good thing, Balabala...

Feng Dao's face froze there, he didn't expect Jiang Xiaofei to be so straightforward.

Mo Fenghua's face became gloomy, and he looked straight at Jiang Xiaofei.

"If I remember correctly, it was you who provoked the change of the show! Xiaofei shouldn't be arguing?" Mo Fenghua had a fake smile on his face.

Jiang Xiaofei raised her eyebrows, "Of course I won't argue, I've always been sincere, yes, this is what I did, but it wasn't because some people bribed makeup artists and costumers to respond to others on purpose.

Want me to say, Feng Dao, people are too bad now, and they can't tolerate others' goodness at all, and they have to intervene in matters that don't concern her, but well, this is excusable. "

Feng Dao's face became darker and darker, and just as he was about to stop it, his head softened a little when he heard Jiang Xiaofei's words.

The smile on Jiang Xiaofei's face was getting bigger and bigger, "Some people are not good things by nature, for example, newcomers will join forces with others to make newcomers, and what's more is that such people are morally corrupt, and they will join some people to bring themselves together. People who are not used to it are ruined, and there is no guilt in my heart!"

Mo Fenghua's face became more and more ugly.

At the same time, she was also a little flustered. She didn't expect that Jiang Xiaofei would actually know about it, 'ruined'... This is the thing...

Feng Dao also heard some eyebrows, but now is not the time to talk about these things.

"Okay, I'm looking for you today for the crew's business. The incident that you came here has become more and more serious, affecting the reputation of the crew. I have already thought about the solution. No matter what kind of grievances you have before, I will No matter, you guys will solve it in the future, and now in the crew, just follow the crew's way."

Feng Dao didn't want to listen to what they had to say, and he was afraid that he would contaminate his ears when he said something explosive.

So directly declare your thoughts.

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