Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao stretch out her hand in front of them, Yilan and Jing Hui were taken aback, not understanding what the princess asked them to take.

"Xia Rumeng, do you dare to be more shameless? What about the promised green tea bitch? What about the promised white lotus? Why don't you even want the prefixes of green tea and white lotus?"

Nima, this woman has always been a white bitch! What green tea whore white lotus and so on, that's all overestimated her!

After causing so many things for her, she seemed to be going to die with her forever, yet she was ashamed to take her elixir, and gave Nima so much internal strength.

I've never seen a person who can grow so much internal energy by taking such a little pill, what a cui pig!

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people!


Yilan blinked her eyes and glanced at Jing Hui. After the other party returned her blank look, Yilan could only obediently blink her big watery eyes and look at Lu Xiaoxiao, as if listening to the training seriously.

What are green tea darts and white lotus flowers?

Is it for drinking water and arranging flowers?

Xia Rumeng promised to give the princess green tea darts and white lotus flowers?

What the hell is in that dart? As for the white lotus...there are white lotus everywhere, why don't the concubine come to look for her so viciously, why don't she go to the lake to pick them herself?

Or is the princess using these two things as an excuse to scold people? But has the times evolved into this? She couldn't even understand cursing.

Hey... She used to follow the master, and she was very good at cursing!

"Spit it out!"

It spit out again. Yilan and Jinghui looked at each other again, not understanding what Wangfei wanted them to vomit. Is it spitting out green tea darts and white lotus flowers?

Seeing that Yilan was so entangled that his intestines were almost knotted, Jing Hui felt sorry for his wife, and boldly asked, "Spit... What are you spitting?"

Hey, it's really hard to be a human being. I think he and Yilan are upright Dharma protectors, but now they have been reduced to become traitors and low people in the eyes of others. It's no wonder that the princess looked at them with embarrassment.

Lu Xiaoxiao sneered: "You two are really funny. Xia Rumeng, I don't care what background you have, in short, I gave Nangong Jin the pill you and your dog ate. Although I promised to give it to him, I didn't Promise him to give you these two pills. So now, spit it out!"

But Lu Xiaoxiao's words not only did not embarrass the other party, but made the eyes of the two people on the other side suddenly light up. Especially now Yilan, whose martial arts are obviously far behind, holds Lu Xiaoxiao's hand as if seeing a relative.

"Princess, you actually made that elixir? You are really... You are really amazing! Why don't you accept me as a disciple, and I will follow the example of the princess!"

"..." Three black lines fell from Lu Xiaoxiao's forehead. At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao's mind froze a little.

With Xia Rumeng's character, shouldn't she get these two elixirs by showing her true nature of a bitch in front of her while no one is around now?

But why has Mao developed into this way?

Lu Xiaoxiao quickly pulled her hand out of the opponent's hand. With Xia Rumeng's current state, she was really afraid that the opponent would suddenly jump over and bite her, causing her to contract mad cow disease.

Glancing at Xia Rumeng, then at the money-stealing dog beside her, the way these two people look at her at this moment can no longer be described as fiery.

I don't know what happened to Xia Rumeng, she suddenly changed from a cold-eyed enemy to a sweet and confidant pet, Lu Xiaoxiao weighed it over and over again, and finally decided to go to Nangong Jin to tear her down.

In a good palace, there are either lunatics or mad dogs, and now even mad cows have come out. At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao felt so tired!

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's back going away, Yilan was indescribably excited.

"Do you really want to be an ox and a horse for the princess so that the princess will follow her lead?"

"Of course! Anyway, I'm going to be an ox and a horse for the lord. The princess is the lord's woman. By the way, maybe the princess can really teach me how to make pills? Even if you don't teach me, look at me later. It's pleasing to the eye, let go of your hand, why don't you give me two more?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law-to-be in high spirits, Jing Hui fondled her hair.

"How about it, do you want to come with me?" Yilan looked at Jing Hui half-threateningly, if he didn't stand by her side, he would definitely be attractive to her.

However, Jing Hui has never let her down. As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Hui stretched out his hand and swore: "I will follow my daughter-in-law's lead."

"Who is your wife? Stop talking nonsense!" Yilan blushed coquettishly.

Jing Hui panicked, and quickly hugged Yilan: "You agreed to what you said before, no matter how much time has passed, it's fine if you agreed. Don't go back on your word!"

"I have to think about it."

"Don't think about it, this matter has already been decided!"

"Oh, let go, what if other people see you and me like this?" Yilan was hypocritical, but nothing could stop the sweetness and joy on her face.

"Don't let go!"


"Don't let go!"

"Let's go, let's go get something to eat for the princess and the young prince."


Lu Xiaoxiao's face was dark, she was going to do it directly, and beat Xia Rumeng and her dog legs until her mother didn't even know her. Who knows that the plan is not as fast as changing, and the fact that Bai Lianhua tried to become a caring and cute pet made her She felt as if she had punched the cotton with a fist. Facing Xia Rumeng's eyes, she suddenly realized that she couldn't do anything.

However, Xia Rumeng and her dog legs don't know who owns the pill. The culprit in this matter is Nangong Jin.

Outside the study, Ling Han greeted Lu Xiaoxiao with a smile and cupped his fists. Lu Xiaoxiao nodded politely, but kicked open the door of the study at the same moment.

That incomparable brutality made Ling Han's heart tremble three times. But at this moment, Ling Han felt that their princess was really domineering, and she was the most suitable for their master.

Facing the savior, no matter how rough the other party is, he still thinks it is good.

Nangong Jin, who was reading a book in the study, saw a certain girl looking angry, her beautiful brows raised slightly on her iceberg face that hadn't changed for thousands of years.

"Princess, you are late!"

"..." She ran to Nangong Jin angrily, but forgot that she was late.

"My concubine has promised me that she will definitely come back within ten days."

"Isn't it exactly the tenth day?"

"The time has just passed, and it is already the eleventh day."

"..." I knew this cheapskate would definitely use this as an excuse. She didn't even count on him to turn a blind eye.

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