"Nangong Jin, don't just talk about me, let me ask you, why did you give Xia Rumeng and her dog legs the two pills I gave you?" Xia Rumeng ate it a few minutes late. The nature of her elixir is even worse.

"Since the elixir was given to me by the princess, it belongs to me, so I should give it to anyone."

"That's the truth, but do you know that you will disgust me if you do this? You know that I hate her, but you give her my things. Even if you pet her, it won't be like this? And she just Let her dog legs steal your things, and you turn around and give her the pill to improve internal strength, are you slapping me in the face or your own face?"

Nangong Jin coughed twice, closed the book in her hand, put it on the table, stared at Lu Xiaoxiao for a while, and then said, "This matter is indeed my fault. Wang apologizes to you."

Just sauce purple?

Lu Xiaoxiao smiled: "It's enough for you to apologize with red lips and white teeth? If the apology is useful, what are you doing with the government?"

"What does the princess think?"

"I want you to give me freedom. From tomorrow onwards, I will be busy every day. You can't use the various rules of the palace to restrain me, force me, and not allow me to move freely."

Although she didn't marry into the palace for a long time and didn't have much contact with Nangong Jin, she knew Nangong Jin very well. If she didn't take the opportunity to make such a request, she would definitely be manipulated by him in the future.

Anyway, she had thought it through on the way here, if Nangong Jin disagreed today, she would force Nangong Jin to let Xia Rumeng and her dog legs spit out the complete pill.

However, she miscalculated Xia Rumeng's position in Nangong Jin's heart.

I thought that this dead-faced paralyzed person would definitely not agree, but who knew that her request had just been raised, and Xiang Fang nodded and agreed.

"Yes, but this king also has two requirements."

"you say."

"First, you must return to the mansion before the hour of Hai every day. Second, after all, you have already married into the prince's family. I will try my best to help you prevent the activities of the court, but some of them have to be participated. Whenever this time, you must Participate in palace activities unconditionally. How about it?"

I have to say that the two conditions mentioned by Nangong Jin are really not harsh at all.

"Can the time of returning home be changed to before midnight?" Lu Xiaoxiao calculated for a long time, and it should be nine o'clock in the evening. Most of the business she will do in the future will be shady. Nine o'clock in the evening should be the right time for business. How can I let her go home at this time?

"At the second quarter of Haishi, this is the maximum limit of this king. If the princess does not agree, this king has nothing to do."

"Okay, that's it." Returning home before ten o'clock, although a bit early, is not unacceptable.

"Where has the princess been these few days?"

"Traveling in the mountains and rivers."

"Where do you travel around?

"It's the mountains and rivers near the imperial city.

"Didn't you say that you have to go out and run around in order to repay the king's money?"

"I'm entertaining and teaching, you don't understand."

Nangong Jin didn't let go of the fact that she wasn't blushing or panting when someone was lying, and there seemed to be a hint of a faint smile in Wannian's frozen eyes.

"The princess is really in a good mood. However, the capital has been in chaos recently. The princess should be more careful when going out. If someone asks you to do any tests, just take out the king's gold medal and tell them your identity. If the other party insists on letting you Do the test, and you let them come to me."

Yay, it's true that the sun has risen from the north, and this dead-faced palsy actually cares about her? !

"Test? Does the test have something to do with me?" Lu Xiaoxiao blinked and asked.

Since they had been placed outside the Shenwu Mountain Range by Lu Xiaoxiao after waking up, Nangong Jin took it for granted that Lu Xiaoxiao must have taken them out of the accident site by some means, so she didn't know that all the sects had already spread across Antarctica. The mainland conducts a comprehensive search for ghosts and mythical beings.

"I don't know the princess. A few ghosts appeared in the Shenwu Mountains two days ago. They killed two Tianzun and stole the Shenlong under the eyes of the Shenzun. The Shenzun was furious, and now he has contacted the leader of the Guangming Holy See And the Saints of the Sanctuary are on the Antarctic Continent to arrest ghosts and mythical people. Now almost everyone except the royal relatives in the palace and the direct blood of the aristocratic family must participate in their tests. He will be arrested as a suspect."

Lu Xiaoxiao blinked again: "Just test it, I don't have martial arts anyway."

He reminded him kindly, but the other party didn't care at all, and Nangong Jin was suddenly depressed.

I really don't know if this woman is a daring woman with high skills or too good at acting. In short, seeing that she doesn't take the test seriously, the flame deep in Nangong Jin's heart flared up again.

"Lu Xiaoxiao, this king is talking to you well!"

"I'm also talking to the lord! Isn't it just a test? Why are you afraid of this test, lord?" When asked here, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly had a brain hole, and asked in a low voice and gossip: "Could it be that there is something in the lord's body? profound strength?"

Nangong Jin was really defeated. This dead woman, he didn't even think about trying to trick her into why she risked the danger to save ghosts and monsters, but she pre-empted it.

Looking at Lu Xiaoxiao's ignorant, innocent, and ignorant look, if he hadn't been 100% sure that the person who saved them was the woman in front of him, he would have been fooled by the classic acting skills of the woman in front of him even if he hesitated a little.

"Lu Xiaoxiao, I just want to remind you and let you know about this, so that if you have some secrets that cannot be revealed and are detected by the crystal ball, it will be the Seventh Prince's Mansion who will be implicated!"

Lu Xiaoxiao curled her lips, and she knew that it was impossible for this paralyzed man to suddenly turn around and start caring about her.

"Don't worry, my lord. I'm a good-for-nothing. Where did my profound strength come from? My lord thinks too much of me. Is there anything else, my lord? I'll go back if I don't have anything to say, duh." No, I can't sleep well at night."

"How is Dudu? Are you okay?"

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin with a strange face, why did she feel that this brand refrigerator was a little dry today?

"My lord, I'm Dudu's own mother. He followed me out for a trip to the mountains and rivers. What can I do?"

Nangong Jin nodded. have to! This woman has supernatural powers, so he is nosy again.


Dudu is his own son, he is his own father, so how can he be nosy if he cares about it? He cared about Dudu, that's what he deserved!

"Now is the coldest season in Nanzhao, you take Dudu outside all day, be careful not to catch a cold."

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