The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 117 Picking up men and picking up big hair!

"Here, here, here, it all hurts!" Futu pointed to the left, middle and right directions of his chest.

Lu Xiaoxiao sweated, she said she blew twice but pointed at three places! Is this idiot really mentally handicapped? This obviously took advantage of her!

But thinking that from now on, there will be a crazy, cool, and bombarding dragon as her younger brother, or her own younger brother, Lu Xiaoxiao was overjoyed.

So he blew on Chu Meng's chest twice on the left, twice in the middle, and twice on the right, for a total of six blows.

Seeing her sister brag to herself six times, Chu Meng seemed to have taken advantage of the sky, she was so happy that her mouth was almost grinning behind her ears.

Seeing the cute and silly black dragon smiling happily and warmly, his brows and eyes twitched shamelessly.

What does it mean to be sold by someone and return the money? This stupid dragon is definitely the most typical example.

At this moment, Wuyan once again fully believed in Lu Xiaoxiao's previous life, no, it should have been before he and the space appeared in Lu Xiaoxiao's life, she might have really saved the Milky Way.

How badly does a person's luck have to be to achieve such a degree of success?

Once this black dragon returns to its peak level, let alone Supreme, it is impossible to have its opponent even in this Antarctic continent. If it really followed Lu Xiaoxiao, how much help would it be?

According to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, as long as she has this stupid and cute black dragon, she can really reach the pinnacle of her life from now on. He could even say that, after Futu eased his injuries a little bit, Lu Xiaoxiao would no longer be afraid even if it was the Shenwu Sect.

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao smiling brightly, and Futu smiling honestly, Wuyan raised his eyebrows, he was wrong again.

Perhaps what is most suitable for a woman like Lu Xiaoxiao in this world is not hard work and hard work. It is absolutely impossible for a woman like Lu Xiaoxiao to reach the top through hard work, even if she has "The Secret Record of the Universe" .

She is most suitable for taking a slanted sword. At this moment, he was thinking, maybe this woman really has such a life, so that when a blind cat meets a dead mouse, she will suddenly be upgraded.

Although Futu woke up, he still had serious internal injuries, so Lu Xiaoxiao comforted him and let him rest well.

"Wuyan, as the main god of the space, why does Futu dislike you so much? Doesn't it mean that as the main god, you will be liked, loved and respected by all creatures in the space?" Lu Xiaoxiao was quite strange about this.

Looking at the woman who was trying her best to hide her embarrassment in front of her, a slight smile slipped across her faceless and deep eyes. As if he didn't see the embarrassment that couldn't be concealed, he responded:

"This only shows that once Shenlong is fully recovered, its strength can definitely leave this plane."

Lu Xiaoxiao was a little at a loss, hasn't this question already been mentioned? What she is asking now is her space.

Understanding Lu Xiaoxiao's bewilderment, Wuyan explained: "I'm talking about our space, even if you think this space is much more heaven-defying than the Antarctic continent in your eyes, but once the Buddha fully recovers, its strength will definitely surpass above this space."

Lu Xiaoxiao was shocked for a while. Although she didn't understand why such an awesome black dragon appeared on the Antarctic continent, and she was lucky enough to pick it up, but now, this black dragon is hers.

Futu is her younger brother!

These two days have been too shocking, too exciting, but also too bloody.

In two days, she picked up four men, but none of them was a little bit normal.

Two of them were ghosts who were hunted down by the temple from the sky to the Antarctic continent, and almost had no way to enter the earth. And one of the ghosts is Dudu's father.

One is a mysterious person who is hunted down by a transnational assassin group and bears a blood feud. Based on her observation of Ming Fang, if Ming Fang is not a relative of a foreign country, it is a strange species targeted by a certain Holy See. However, since Ming Fang dared to admit that he had profound strength in front of her, Lu Xiaoxiao was still more inclined to think that Ming Fang was a royal noble from a foreign country.

There is another one who was spotted by Shenzun and Dudu Daddy of Shenwumen at the same time, and turned from a cool black dragon that was madly dragging and bombarding the sky into a super mythical beast with a stupid, cute and beautiful boy.

Thinking about these four men, Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless for a while.

People go out to pick up gold and treasures, but she is lucky enough to pick up men directly, and there are four men who seem to be incomparably awesome and dangerous. Just pushing one out is enough to make her be shot into a honeycomb!


She slept badly all night and didn't sleep well. Lu Xiaoxiao was ready to go out early the next morning.

As soon as I came outside the courtyard, I saw the mutated white lotus.

"Good morning, princess! Good morning, princess!"

The princess croaked!

Looking at Xia Rumeng, who was bathed in the morning light and came to her side full of vigor, Lu Xiaoxiao added something in her heart, and then her face twitched.

She really couldn't figure out how Xia Rumeng, the white lotus, became like this? What is she going to do?

"What are you doing here again? Xia Rumeng, forgot what I told you before? Trouble me again, I'll hit you every time I see you!"

Adhering to the principle that Jing Hui told her that sincerity and sincerity make gold and stone, in order to let Lu Xiaoxiao accept her, Yilan almost stayed up all night last night.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao regarded her as an enemy like a fighting cock, she didn't care at all.

Putting a tray into Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, she said with a smile: "This is last night... I made it for Dudu, I hope the princess likes it."

After finishing speaking, she leaned over slightly, did not stay for a moment, and left without even saying that Lu Xiaoxiao would return the goods.

Xiaoshuang and Bifan, who were beside Lu Xiaoxiao, looked at each other speechlessly, took the tray from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand in the incomparable fantasy, took out the contents and opened it.

"What a cute baby outfit!" Xiaoshuang called out, and couldn't help looking back and forth with delight.

Bifan's face brightened after seeing such a cute baby outfit, but then he tore off the clothes from Xiaoshuang's hands and threw them on the tray.

"Don't forget that it is the vicious Xia Rumeng! Who knows what this woman is trying to do now, don't be fooled!"

"But why do I feel that she is different from before?"

Bifan glared at Xiaoshuang: "It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change the nature. She is a woman with a vicious mind. This is a nature that can't be changed no matter what. Now that she looks like this, who knows if it's because she stole the money and was punished by the prince?" Capture the bag, want us to let her guard down before taking more vicious revenge on us?"

Bifan's words instantly brightened Lu Xiaoxiao's confused eyes.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!

If even the nature is changed, does that mean that the person in front of him has changed?

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