"Wuyan, can you feel the difference between Xia Rumeng now and before?"

Sensing Lu Xiaoxiao's inner thoughts, Wuyan responded: "After taking the elixir, she will be different from before. The only change I can feel in her is... her heart disease seems to have healed."

"...She was born with heart disease, right?"


"Can a congenital heart disease be healed with a elixir made from the spring of life?"

"No. The spring of life can widen the meridians and restore damage, but it has no effect on turning things around."

"Forget it, as long as she doesn't provoke me, I will ignore her for the time being. Anyway, the soldiers come to cover up the water. As for the rest, it is between her and the facial paralysis."

"Princess, my lord wants you to go to the dining room to have breakfast." Just as she was about to leave, a servant of the palace suddenly blocked Lu Xiaoxiao's way.

"But I have something to go out."

She didn't want to have dinner with Nangong Jin and the concubines in his mansion. She was afraid that she would suffer from indigestion if she looked more at Yue Bailian and Meng Mad Niu.

"But the prince said that no matter how busy he is, he still has to eat breakfast, and he also said that the princess must go to the dining room to have breakfast at this time every day."

Looking at the sky, it was still early anyway, thinking about the sumptuous breakfast in the palace, Lu Xiaoxiao still decided not to make things difficult for herself.

After arriving at the dining room, Nangong Jin was already sitting in the dining room wearing a shimmering purple robe. In front of him, there are all kinds of dishes, which are diverse and extremely rich.

"Cough, cough, what... the prince asked me to come to eat, wouldn't he force me to pay a sky-high price for breakfast after eating?"

Nangong Jin glared at the woman standing at the door who wanted to take advantage but didn't dare, and said coldly: "No more nonsense, this king wants you to live in the palace and give you 10,000 taels of accommodation fee every night!"

After finishing speaking, a certain woman wandering by the door had already sat down gracefully at the table with lightning speed, picked up a pair of chopsticks placed on the table and began to feast.

Like a hungry ghost, he wolfed down several mouthfuls of food on the table, and then he said to the maid beside him, "Give me a bowl of porridge."

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks that the prince used to pick up vegetables, the servant girl was about to remind her, but she had already put it in her mouth.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao ordered her, but she looked at the prince.

The lord loves cleanliness the most. This woman who doesn't pay attention to hygiene and doesn't distinguish between high and low is just waiting for the lord to punish her!

The maid stood still, and when Lu Xiaoxiao was thinking about whether to serve the meal by herself, Ling Han who was at the door had already walked in, personally filled a bowl of porridge and put it in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, which made Lu Xiaoxiao feel embarrassed.

She thought that the maids here were serving the master, but it turned out that Ling Han had to do it himself because of the big name. sweat……

However, Nangong Jin's voice sounded at this moment.

"After breakfast, go to the head of internal affairs to receive the punishment. From now on, you are not allowed to step into the dining room."

The little servant girl's face turned pale in an instant, and she knelt down and begged for mercy: "Forgive me, my lord, this servant didn't do it on purpose. This servant just saw that the princess used your chopsticks and wanted to remind the princess. That's why when the princess ordered the servant, the servant did not do it on purpose. Did not notice."

Seeing the little maid kneeling on the ground with a weak appearance, Lu Xiaoxiao was happy.

Where did this slag come from?

Xia Rumeng has mad cow disease and is trying to curry favor with her. Jiang Yuezhen is the ancestor of Bai Lianhua, so she can't kill her with one trick, and she probably won't show her face very well. This little girl was fine, she seemed to be kneeling on the ground very weakly, but she retreated and wanted to punish her with a paralyzed face.

"Go down and get the punishment now."

In front of Nangong Jin, any begging for mercy is useless. If he doesn't want to punish you, no matter how much you make a fuss, he won't punish you. If he is determined to punish you, then there is no need to beg for mercy. The more you beg for mercy, the worse the consequences will be.

The maid's face turned pale again, knowing that it was useless to beg Nangong Jin, she immediately changed her partner to Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Princess, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again, please let the prince spare my servant!"

Sure enough, when the maid begged Lu Xiaoxiao for mercy, Nangong Jin didn't say anything about punishing her. Not only did he not say anything, but he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with great interest and said, "As long as the princess agrees, the king has no objections."

However, a certain woman has never been a good man and a believer.

Others are already trying to mess with you, and you still speak for others. She will never do that kind of stupid thing.

After glaring at Nangong Jin, Lu Xiaoxiao turned to the maid who was kneeling on the ground and asked, "Why does my concubine beg for mercy for you? There is no benefit in helping you!"

For the woman who didn't even make a fuss, just prepared to watch a good show naked without feeling anything wrong, the servant girl was instantly speechless with anger, and immediately burst into tears. Crying so sadly and pitifully.

"But... but you are a high-ranking princess. As the wife of the prince, shouldn't you be open-minded and kind? The servant girl is just a small maid. Why do you have to deal with such a humble little maid like us? The prince It is said that as long as you speak, the servant will not be punished, Wangfei, you can help the servant, as long as you speak, the servant can save 50 boards!"

The little maid's pitiful pear flower with dew looked really painful, and it made the hearts of the servants in the room ache.

Looking at a room full of servants looking at her ardent hope, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled but said nothing.

This palace is really talented! Even an unknown little girl is such a wonderful white lotus.

It's a pity that unfortunately, the brothers of Fengyuntang once commented that she was the master who defeated the white lotus with one move, killed the green tea bitch with two moves, and bombarded the scum in the world with three moves.

The white lotus is right in front of her eyes, she has no reason not to step on it!

"My lord, how is the slave's disrespect to the master punished in the palace?"

With a faint smile in Nangong Jin's eyes, she replied: "According to the severity of the plot, it can range from 50 boards to death."

"Then what should be the punishment for deliberately framing the master?"

Nangong Jin raised her eyebrows: "Just stick to death."

"Where did the prince find this servant girl? I don't care about it, but she didn't listen to my concubine's orders. After being punished by the prince, she deliberately dragged my concubine into the water. For the sake of offending my concubine, she still wants to marry her." This concubine speaks for her. If this concubine does not help her, she is not open-minded, not kind, and not broad-minded. Such a slave who is so bold and dares to accuse the master in front of the master and give the master's bad medicine, the prince feels that it is just to transfer her From the dining room, 50 slabs is considered a punishment for her, is it really okay?"

Lu Xiaoxiao's words drew a slight gasp from the servants in the room, but the maid who was kneeling on the ground had a pale face.

This time, it was really pale.

But Nangong Jin's eyes were full of smiles: "Then how does the princess think this king should be punished?"

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