But if it is dripped into a jade vessel, the dragon's blood will shrink immediately, turning into blood beads like red beans, emitting a dazzling light, which is really beautiful.

When Wuyan took the jade cup and saw one big and one small bead inside, she couldn't help curling her lips slightly in her heart.

One and a half!

How distressed this is, I can't even get two of them together!


On the way, I asked many people for the address of the Spike Mercenary Group, but they couldn't find it. In desperation, Lu Xiaoxiao could only go to the Mercenary Union to investigate, and then went to the Spike Mercenary Group.

Ordinarily she is not a warm-hearted person, at least not a rotten kind-hearted person.

But Fu Xiaobai from the Spike Mercenary Corps left a deep impression on her even though she only met once.

And if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been able to find the fire grass so easily, and even got the magic core of the flame beast, which was more precious than the fire grass.

Every man is innocent and conceives his crime. Lu Xiaoxiao was still a little worried about this gentleman. Although the members of the Jagged Mercenary Corps did not dare to use their brains at will after experiencing her deterrence, she still had to watch Fu Xiaobai drink the Jiusheng Foundation Building Liquid to his father before she felt at ease.

Among the two major markets in the capital of Nanzhao, the Jingxing Auction House is owned by the Fang family, and the mercenary union is owned by another super family—the Anyang family.

All mercenary regiments in Nanzhao must register with the mercenary union, become members, and pay a certain fee. If you set up a mercenary regiment on your own without registering with the mercenary union, once it is discovered, the regiment will be destroyed immediately.

There are so many masters in the Anyang family, and it is as difficult as an elephant tramples a mouse to death if you want to wipe out that kind of mercenary group that doesn't even have the money to register.

In order to receive more and better missions, many mercenary regiments will set up an office within the scope of the mercenary union, even if the regiment is not located in the capital, and is always ready to accept missions.

Walking into the sphere of influence of the mercenary union, the people who passed by here became different. Everyone is tall and powerful, even if they are not masters of internal strength, they are definitely strong men with infinite strength.

The Spike Mercenary Group is a local mercenary group in the capital. As a result, Lu Xiaoxiao found their office reception in an unusually remote place after searching for more than an hour.

However, there is not even a ghost here.

After asking the neighbors in the neighborhood, they found out their regiment's address, hired a carriage to lead the way, and finally found the Spike Mercenary Corps in a very remote place on the outskirts of the capital after more than an hour. .

Lu Xiaoxiao was also drunk.

The mercenary union is in the most prosperous place in the capital, but the Spike Mercenary Group, once the largest and most outstanding group in the mercenary union, is not in the capital.

But it was a little far away, looking at the large patchwork of bamboo forests in front of her, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that this place was pretty good.

After passing through a large bamboo forest, a large area of ​​houses is in front of you.

On a large plaque, a wolf is depicted. The wolf's mouth opened wide, and several fangs were extremely eye-catching.

This is the logo of the Spike Mercenary Group.

Looking inside, it doesn't look like a militarized mercenary group at all, but more like a warm village.

On the left is a large area of ​​houses, and on the right is a large area of ​​countryside. The pastoral land has been hoeed, and the sowing can be started only when the weather is slightly warmer.

It was originally a warm paradise, but when Lu Xiaoxiao set foot on this area, she smelled a bloody smell that shouldn't be there, which completely destroyed the beauty of this paradise.

Lu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, all the smell of blood pointed to one place. He walked quickly towards the place where the smell of blood was the strongest, opened the door and saw that there was a large ancestral hall, in which were placed all the memorial tablets of the dead mercenaries of the Spike Mercenary Group.

Below the tablet, corpses were piled up in disorder. Judging from the blood on the corpse, he had been dead for two days.

When seeing a corpse, Lu Xiaoxiao felt her blood energy suddenly rise, and a strong anger instantly hit every blood vessel in her body.

This is a little boy who is less than two years old judging from his body shape. Since he is facing the ground, Lu Xiaoxiao can't see him and doesn't want to.

What made Lu Xiaoxiao feel that her blood was rising was that the child should have retreated to the edge of the corner in horror, but those people still didn't let him go.

Judging from the absence of a family member around him to protect him, it must be that the little boy's family members are all dead, and no one can protect him, so he was discovered and forced to a corner.

A child less than two years old just watched his relatives being murdered, and then was brutally murdered in extreme fear, and died tragically under the enemy's butcher's knife.

He was lying on the ground, even though he was dead, his little buttocks were still pouted slightly. This is a habit brought out from the mother's womb, that is to say, this is an infant who has not yet escaped from the habit of the fetus.

Without thinking or asking, Lu Xiaoxiao already knew who did it.

In this room, she did not find Fu Xiaobai and dozens of other mercenaries. The corpses here are all those old mercenaries and their families.

And until now, Fu Xiaobai and the others haven't brought the Nine Lives Foundation Building Liquid back home. Obviously, they can't come back.

The noon sun was exceptionally bright, but it couldn't shine into the dark house at all, and couldn't wash away the boundless sin.

The dark fertile soil glows with black light, but it can no longer wait for its owner to sow seeds for it.

Even if Xia Rumeng took her two cousins ​​to insult her like that in the yard before, she was only angry, but did not have enough killing intent.

But at this moment, standing outside the house, Lu Xiaoxiao's heart was full of murderous intent. This was the first time she had such a strong killing intent after coming to Nanzhao.

Perhaps because of being a mother, what she is most uncomfortable with now is children being abused.

On weekdays, she likes to see the pink and tender little tootoo sleeping on her body the most.

Dudu likes to sleep on her body the most. When she sleeps, her buttocks stick out high, and sometimes she even wonders if her buttocks are so high and her neck is twisted, whether Dudu will get cervical spondylosis because of it.

So in the beginning, she always liked to lay him down and hug him to sleep, but after a while, Dudu would get all sorts of upset, and lay back on her body again, comfortably poking up his little butt.

And the way the child died happened to be Dudu, or the baby's favorite way to sleep.

"Sister, don't be sad, let's find out who killed them, and then Tu Tu will kill them all for you, okay?"

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao sad, Tu Tu looked at a loss in the space.

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