The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 131 Catching the Murderer

My elder sister is always happy in front of him. She likes to see her elder sister take advantage of her, and see how she looks good after bullying others. She doesn't want to make her sad at all.

"Sister, you are sad, and Tu Tu is also very sad."

However, for the first time this time, Lu Xiaoxiao ignored Tu Tu's words, which made Tu Tu feel even more sad.

If it makes my sister sad to know who killed these people, he must kill them all, and before they die, he will remove all their limbs and bones one by one.

"You are an agent, and you have led Fengyuntang for so long. Such things are commonplace. Why are you so sad?" The faceless voice came, just like his people, aloof and unapproachable. However, Lu Xiaoxiao felt a trace of caring beyond this cold voice that was enough to comfort people's hearts.

"Maybe it's because I have Dudu now, so my mood has changed." Even after the establishment of Fengyuntang in the previous life, as the eldest sister, her more traits are still more of an agent's heart, cold-blooded, violent, and cruel.

However, although this life has only been here for less than a month, Dudu, grandpa, elder brother, and now Barton, Tutu... even Gao Leng Wuyan by her side, any one of them is enough to make her hard. The heart becomes soft.

Maybe she didn't feel it before, but after seeing that weak and helpless little corpse, Lu Xiaoxiao was sure that her heart had really changed.

"A change of mood is not necessarily a bad thing. People are not steel or computers, they are hard and programmed. People have flesh and blood, emotions, and bonds. Although this will cause many weaknesses, the martial arts avenue emphasizes Affectionate way.

You can change from a hard-hearted and cold-blooded killer to a woman with flesh and blood, which means that once you reach the pinnacle of martial arts one day, you will be able to enter the avenue more smoothly than others. "

Although he didn't like the annoying ghost in the space, seeing that he could calm my sister's heart more, Tu Tu immediately interjected: "The annoying ghost is right, sister, don't be sad, Tu Tu will always be by your side."

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the aloof and faceless, then at the innocent Tutu, and then at her unable to speak, looked at her eagerly, her eyes glanced over, and immediately Barton who yelled "Guji Guji", lips He raised a knowing smile.

It was good to have them by her side!

Suddenly, the sound of countless cavalry came from one kilometer away. Judging from the sound, these people should be coming in this direction.

If Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to hide, let alone someone from a kilometer away, she could easily hide even if the god stood in front of her. At this moment, she was worried that she couldn't find a place to vent her breath, and was still thinking about how to punish the people of the Iron Blood Mercenary Group, but the other party hit her with a gun that she had to fire.

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know whether to say that they were highly skilled and bold, or that they were out of their minds.

She remembered that when she was in the Shenwu Mountains, she showed her strength quite domineeringly! For a person like her who can kill all the red flame beasts and thousands of demon wolves, where did the iron-blooded mercenary group come from? What about provoking her?

The iron cavalry advanced gradually, and from a distance, it turned out that all the soldiers came.

Lu Xiaoxiao raised her lips.

Yan An, the head of the iron-blooded mercenary group, said when he asked her for the Nine Life Foundation Building Liquid that this was what Concubine Yugui wanted.

The Jagged Mercenary Corps dared to destroy the Spike Mercenary Corps, but without the support of Concubine Yu Gui, I believe they wouldn't dare even if they were given a hundred guts.

very good!

Really good!

Before the people from the official yamen came, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly came to the ancestral hall of the Spike Mercenary Corps, and transferred all the corpses piled up inside to her own space and sealed them up. Then use modern special powder to remove the blood stains and bloody smell inside.

"Wuyan, help me see if there are any omissions?"


When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the front yard, the entire Spike Mercenary Group had already been surrounded.

And the groom who left after sending her here reappeared now, and said to the official immediately: "My lord, it's him, he killed the man who killed the Spike mercenary group, I saw it with my own eyes."

Lu Xiaoxiao was not surprised that the groom suddenly complained about this matter. Since she dared to silence her and confront her, there must be someone behind her waiting for her.

"Be careful, there is a strong man at the peak of a martial saint in the team. Nearby, there is also a strong man at the supreme elementary level."

Lu Xiaoxiao was silent.

She now has full immunity to martial saints and supreme beings. I still remember the first time she learned from Wuyan that Nangong Jin and Ling Han were martial saints, her shock was almost beyond words.

But after being away for more than half a month, now facing so many martial saints and supreme beings around her like pigs and dogs, she felt that it was the same.

Although she was beyond her power, if the other party really wanted her life, it would be absolutely impossible.

"Bold lunatic, my official Jing Zhaoyin Pang Cong, report your name!"

"A madman?" Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "My lord, why do you call me a madman? And why do you bring so many people to surround you?"

"Hmph, someone told the official high secret that you are a ghost. The official has been looking for you for the past few days. Originally, they couldn't find you. Unexpectedly, this person saw you killing people here, so he reported it to the official. What else do you have?" Want to say something?"

Before Lu Xiaoxiao could answer in a hurry, Jing Zhaoyin spoke again: "You have killed so many masters of the Spike Mercenary Corps, which is enough to prove your martial arts strength. But don't be too complacent, although there are not many masters in the Antarctic Continent Yes, but there are plenty of people who are stronger than you. Now, let's capture it!"

Jing Zhaoyin was so righteous and dignified, and Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to applaud him for his unafraid temperament.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao didn't move, Jing Zhaoyin ordered: "Come here, pin down the suspect who killed the Spike Mercenary Group."

When Jing Zhaoyin was talking, the martial sage hidden among the soldiers was also eager to try, as long as Lu Xiaoxiao made a slight move, he would attack immediately.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to stop a group of soldiers who came forward to arrest him.

The soldiers had heard of the suspect's brutality before coming. Although there was a peak martial artist in the team, as soon as Lu Xiaoxiao raised her hand to stop them, the soldiers immediately stopped obediently.

Although their lives are cheap, none of them are stupid and don't want to die at will.

You know, the opponent is a martial arts master!

"What else do you have to say? For the sake of you being a master, I respect your sophistry."

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